Page 180 - Revelation
P. 180

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

           Naturally, all that required a lot of work to be properly taken care of.

                  Three long months passed and my dad and mum, already married, still were dating
            until my mother by chance came to my dad’s and saw a very touching picture. My
            father stood in the kitchen in front of the stove and with  an unhappy air "filled" a
            growing amount of pans with the semolina which he cooked for his little brother. But
            the amount of the "wicked" semolina did not decrease for some reason and my poor
            dad could not understand why. On doing her best to hide a smile so as not to offend an
            unlucky "cook", my mum rolled up her sleeves and began to put the mess in order,
            starting with the indignantly hissing stove completely covered with pans of semolina...
            Certainly, after that kind of "emergency incident" my mother could not calmly look at
            such "heart-breaking" male helplessness and decided to move immediately into this
            territory, still strange and unknown  for her.

                        Mom at work                                    Alytus Post Office

                  Although it was not an easy life for her at that time – she worked at the central
            post-office (to make her living) and every evening went for an access course to prepare
            for examinations to get into a medical school, she gave the rest of her forces and time
            to her exhausted young husband and his family without thinking twice. The house came
            back  to  life  at  once.  The  kitchen  was  filled  with  delicious  smells  of  Lithuanian
            "zeppelins" which dad’s little brother adored and my father, who had lacked home
            made food for so long, swallowed in immodest quantity. Everything became more or
            less  normal,  except  for  the  absence  of  my  granparents,  about  whom  my  poor  dad
            worried so much and missed them terribly all this time. But he had a young beautiful
            wife, who did her best to relieve his temporary loss and, on looking at his smiling face,
            one could say that she fully succeeded in that.
                  Very soon my father’s little brother got used to the new aunt and constantly tailed
            after her, hoping to get something delicious, or a beautiful evening fairy-tale, which
            my mother read to him before bedtime.
                  So, the days calmly passed in the everyday routine, then weeks. My grandmother
            came  back  home  from  the  hospital  and  to  her  great  surprise  found  a  newly-made

            daughter-in-law... It was too late to change anything and they simply tried to get to
            know each other better, avoiding undesirable conflicts (which inevitably appear in any
            new and too close acquaintance). More precisely, they simply adapted to each other,

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