Page 103 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 103

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            every person in the group ceases to be an individual, as his brain surrenders to
            the “mob mentality”. So all one has to is just “steer” the raging mob in the “right”

            direction and it blindly follows all the directives of whoever is manipulating it.
            This is how psi weapons manifest and operate.

            In the history of mankind — both ancient and modern — we see many examples of
            such behavior. Interestingly, in mob mentality, a human being often does things he
            would never consciously do in a normal state. Most often the behavior exhibited in
            a mob even contradicts his ethical and moral principles.

            If we then consider the fact that man uses only three to five percent of his brain

            neurons for conscious activity, while the other ninety-five to ninety-seven percent
            remains dormant, it is easy to imagine the following situation:

            If, by chance, someone possesses a “key” to access that ninety-five to ninety-seven
            percent of dormant brain power and knows how to open the “door,” he alone, or
            a group of perpetrators, can control and manipulate countless numbers of people.
            When this happens, those exposed to such control feel nothing at all, act blindly and

            fail to understand why and what has made them behave so irrationally.

            It  is  a  very  powerful  and  horrendous  weapon,  much  worse  than  radiation,  bombs,
            chemical or bacteriological weapons, because people subjected to its effect do not even
            suspect that they are under its influence. Thus, there is perfect impunity for those who
            use it. Most often they are the ones who try to convince their victims that the very
            idea of such an influence is absurd and nonsensical. They also wax very persuasive,

            hiding behind false ideologies and false logic — knowing full well what they do.
            The psi weapon is the most inhuman of all existing in the world today, and if it
            ends up in the hands of evil forces, we can all get ready to believe in the imminent
            approach of “judgment day.”

            Thus, in humans, the superorganism state can arise spontaneously — from the impact

            of negative emotions inflaming a crowd of people, or from psi weapons aimed at the
            human psi-field, for the purpose of control and manipulation.


            Nature formed three types of psi-fields of living organisms.

            1. A permanently functioning complex psi-field consists of a colony of individuals of
            the same species. The size of such a colony is contingent upon the complexity of the

            problems faced by its psi-field and the complexity of each individual’s psi-field. The
            psi-field of a single member is an open system: k(N;S) → 1. The psi-field of the colony
            is composed of a superimposition of psi-fields of all individuals comprising the colony.
            The shared psi-field of the given system is a constantly functioning superorganism, a
            closed structure under conditions normal for its existence. Examples are termites, bees,

            and ants, etc.

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