Page 99 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 99

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            An individual of the species would be incapable of performing all of these complicated
            actions.  An  individual’s  nervous  system  enables  it  to  solve  problems  related  to

            everyday activities and normal functions of the organism. The degree of development
            of an individual’s nervous system corresponds to the complexity of existing conditions
            in the habitat of the species. Thus, in the process of evolution, many species developed
            the  ability  to  create  a  mutual  nervous  system  of  the  population  as  a  whole  (the
            superorganismic state) in situations where the capabilities and actions of an individual
            did  not  permit  it  to  solve  problems  encountered  in  suddenly-developing  survival

            The evolutionary process has also created species whose individual members have a
            nervous system structure capable of solving complicated tasks. Such a structure is a
            system  of  billions  of  interactive  neurons,  concentrated  in  one  individual.  The
            interaction between neurons comprising this system is maximum and the coefficient of
            interaction  approaches  1  (one).  At  the  same  time,  the  entire  system  is  maximally
            insulated  and  impervious  to  the  impact  of  other  psi-fields  —  (the  coefficient  of

            interaction between it and other such systems, k(N;S), approaches zero).

            This  happens  as  a  result  of  the  protective  (insulating)  psi-field  created  by  the
            individuals  of  the  species.  Where  you  have  such  complex  psi-fields,  maximum
            insulation is necessary to permit the acquisition and consolidation of the individual’s
            experience for transmission to future generations through changes in the genetic code
            and  direct  training.  The  presence  of  an  individual,  complex  psi-field,  containing

            billions of interactive neurons, makes it possible to create specialized functions, thus
            securing life-support processes and related behavioral responses for the processing and
            storing of information about the internal and external milieu. At a certain stage in the
            gathering of information and the development of such a psi-system, comes the ability
            to  analyze  the  information  and  implement  intelligent  action  and  responses  to  the

            processes unfolding in the environment.

            As this occurs, a large number of neurons begin specializing in the transformation of
            one kind of matter into another, in the creation of holograms and the synthesis of the
            individual’s etheric, astral, and mental bodies. The synthesis and development of these
            bodies  is  only  possible  at  a  particular  level  of  evolutionary  development  of  the
            cerebral neurons. This happens only in the presence of a critical quantity and quality

            of  information  entering  the  brain  through  optical,  auditory,  tactile  and  olfactory
            channels via a variety of neural signals.

            These signals make a change in the qualitative state of the external and internal milieu
            of the receptor neurons. The neurons collect this information in aggregates of various
            kinds of matter; this leads to quantitative and qualitative changes in organic and

            inorganic molecules and in the ions contained inside the neurons. Ultimately, the
            result  is  a  change  in  the  value  of  the  cell’s  microcosmic  curvature.  When  the
            curvature reaches a value of ∆λ'2, the qualitative barrier between the physical and

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