Page 100 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 100

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            astral levels opens. Primary matters then flow over to the astral level and start the
            development of the neurons’ astral body (Chapter 2).

            In human beings, a child’s brain should absorb a certain critical amount of information,

            preferably of high quality. A variety of many kinds of information should be absorbed
            before the age of 4 to 6 years for the overall development of the brain. If the brain does
            not  receive  a  critical,  minimal  amount  of  information  by  the  age  of  4-6  years,  its
            neurons fail to fully develop etheric bodies. Only full development of the etheric body
            can provide the necessary changes in a neuron’s microcosmic curvature to open the

            qualitative  barrier  between  the  etheric  and  astral  levels.  A  brain  without  a  fully
            developed etheric body cannot evolve any further. It can provide all the biologically
            necessary requirements of an organism, but it would be impossible to discern any
            signs of intelligence in the thinking and actions of such a child. The condition just
            described occurs in only two situations:

            a) When the child’s brain does not receive at least a minimal quantity and quality

            of information from the external environment, or the quality and quantity of the
            information that is received is not sufficient to change the qualitative structure of
            the cerebral neurons. An example illustrating this point can be taken from the real
            life cases of the “Mowgli,” small children, who, by chance, are raised by wild animals.
            Their behavior and life style are entirely consonant with the behavior and life style of
            the animals that nurtured them. When such children are brought into human society,
            they continue behaving like animals and are never able to acquire human behavioral


            b) Sometimes it is impossible for a child’s brain to develop normally because of
            genetic problems or the existence of various types of infections and their secreted
            toxins present in the cerebrospinal fluid. This results in inborn or acquired mental
            retardation with varying degrees of severity. In some cases there is no development at

            all, or when it does occur, it is so far below normal that it also eventuates in mental

            However, if the brain receives the required quantities and qualities of information in
            time, the necessary change in the microcosmic curvature of the neurons is effected and
            the qualitative barrier between the etheric and astral levels disappears. This initiates
            the formation and evolutionary development of the astral bodies of the cerebral

            neurons.  Upon  completion  of  the  development  of  the  neuronal  astral  body,  the
            microscopic curvature of the neuron changes by a value of ∆λ'3 (Chapter 2) and the
            qualitative  barrier  between  the  astral  and  mental  levels  of  the  cerebral  neurons

            Conditions are then established for the formation and evolution of the mental bodies

            of the neuron. Along with the evolution of each of the bodies (etheric, astral, and
            mental) the properties of the physical neurons change significantly as does the ability

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