Page 95 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 95

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            interesting is that a single bird, even if experienced, or a small group of birds, would
            never dare to set out for the wintering place alone. They may die of hunger or freeze to

            death, but nothing can make them embark on such a flight. Why does this occur?

            In the course of evolution birds developed the ability to create a superorganismic state.
            It manifests before the start of the migration period. The basis of this phenomenon is
            an internal annual biological cycle stimulated by temperature fluctuations (cold spells),
            diminishing daylight, and reduction of the quantity and quality of available food. The
            influence of natural conditions leads, within a certain range, to variations in the times

            of flight. In the spring and summer time, when weather conditions are favorable for
            such life events as the hatching and rearing of chicks, the brain of each individual
            creates a protective psi-field providing the most favorable condition for the functioning
            of the organism as a whole (F Fi ig g. .   4 41 1).

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