Page 124 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 124

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            tion: the state of soils indicates when the vegetable and animal world began to de-
            velop on one or another territory and when man came there, following the animals.

                  1.19. The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas: the origin of the Black, Yellow
                  and Red races. The White Race began to mix with them

                  As it follows from the above analysis, the mass development of the European
            lands by the white race would have taken place five or six thousand years ago, be-
            cause before this date there was no trace of human presence in Europe to the north of
            the Alps. Europe to the south of the Alps was developed by tribes of the black race.
            There is a question: when did the black race appear on Midgard-earth, as well as the
            yellow and red ones, and from where, if the white race initially colonized the planet,
            as follows from the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas? So, let us find the answer to this question

                  Midgard became the Motherland for four Worlds
                  And its World was divided into many nations,
                  Each was able to keep only the memory about Gods.
                  From the very beginning
                  Our World has staidly moved in the Purest Svarga,
                  But it often crossed the Border…      113

                  Midgard became the Motherland for four Worlds — our ancestors called galax-
            ies or huge unions of civilizations members of which could be the civilizations of dif-
            ferent galaxies, Worlds. Thus, Midgard-earth became home for colonists from four
            different galaxies or unions of civilizations:

                  1. The World of the Great Race (the White Race).
                  2. The World of the Great Dragon (the Yellow Race).

                  3. The World of the Fiery Serpent (the Red Race).

                  4. The Palaces of the Gloomy Desert (the Black Race).

                  The  Slavonic-Aryan  Vedas  emphasize  the  fact  that  there  were  an  especially
            large number of migrants from the Palaces (Constellations) of the Gloomy Desert. It
            is  of  interest  that  the  Vedas  say  about  other  races  that  they  came  from  different
            Worlds, not from separate Palaces (constellations). Thus, we see a very clear division
            between the concepts of “Palace” and “World”. Thanks to the Vedas, it is possible to
            determine exactly when the yellow, red and black races arrived on our planet. More-
            over, the new migrants were lodged on Midgard-earth in the climatic areas which
            were maximally close to those of their native planets. Therefore, the Black Race was
            placed on the African continent, the Indian Peninsula and in South-East Asia. The
            migrants of the Yellow Race were settled in the territory of modern  China, to the
            south of “the Great Wall of China”. The Red Race migrants were settled on islands
            of the Atlantic Ocean and partly in North America. The territories which the migrants

                  113  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas, the Fourth Book. The Source of Life, the First Message, p. 16.

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