Page 180 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 180

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            opment shows up in the following: when an individual lacks the fourth and higher
            bodies, a disproportional development of the third body is observed. This is manifest-
            ed in the strengthening of aggressiveness, cruelty, avidity, envy, etc. The excessive
            satiation of the third material body of a human beings’ spirit with G-primary matter
            provides  for  the  appearance  and  development  of  the  negative  qualities  mentioned
            above. Dark Forces then get an opportunity to influence those people who have de-
            veloped these qualities, and through them, influence everything that happens on Mid-
            gard-Earth. The majority of people who have managed to get through the initial stag-
            es of evolutional development appear to have immunity to this warp, which slightly
            slows their evolutional development without creating conditions for their possible in-
            fluence and control by Dark  Forces.  The areas of space heterogeneity with such a
            quality structure are called Nights of Svarog (Fig. 25).

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