Page 185 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 185

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            rog, the easier it is for Dark Parasitic Forces to take and to subdue the inhabitants of a
            planet: the more powerful the external negative evolutional warp of space, the more
            difficult it is for any individual to achieve harmonious development. In other words it
            is more difficult for a person to avoid the manifestation of aggressiveness and cruelty
            and to withstand base instincts and emotions.

                  The duration of both Nights and Days of Svarog is determined by the extension
            of these areas of heterogeneity in space. The larger the spatial extension of the heter-
            ogeneous area the  longer the time required for  our  galaxy  to cross  it, because  the
            speed with which our galaxy moves in our Space-Universe and the speed with which
            our galaxy rotates around its nucleus remains constant within the limits of this area of
            space heterogeneity. Thus, the temporal extension of Days and Nights of Svarog var-
            ies within pretty wide  limits. The  temporal  extension  of a Night of  Svarog differs
            (can be considerably larger  or smaller) from the temporal extension of the Day of
            Svarog coming to take its place.

                  A spatial negative evolutional warp retunes a qualitative structure in a human
            spirit to it; this occurs particularly easily in the initial evolutional stages. That is why
            Dark Forces prefer to use the time of Nights of Svarog for the capture of civiliza-
            tions. Only a very strong will and high moral principles can allow a man to overpow-
            er the influence of the negative evolutional warp of a Night of Svarog and overcome
            the evolutional phase of a reasoning animal.

                  2.13. The Source of Life as a counterbalance for the Nights of Sva-
                  rog influence

                  Our  ancestors  and  Light  Hierarchs  knew  about  these  natural  phenomena  and
            placed the Source of Life in the bowels of Midgard-уarth to maximally neutralize the
            negative evolutional warp of the Nights of Svarog: “The Race was replenished by a
            hidden                                                                                   source
            preserved in an ancient secret place… The Gods foresaw the Darkness on Midgard
            and decided to help Rasa’s descendants…”

                  When placing the Source in the bowels of Midgard-earth, Light Hierarchs reck-
            oned on its ability to offset the disadvantage of the negative evolutional warp during
            Nights of Svarog: but, outlets of the Source were not permanent because the negative
            evolutional warp was not permanent either qualitatively or quantitatively, even within
            one Night of Svarog. That is why, over time, the neutralizing influence superimposed
            on the negative evolutional warp, resulted in the outlets of the Source changing loca-
            tion on the surface of Midgard-earth. Periodically they disappeared in one place and
            appeared in another: “It gathered its force in the depths of the earth seeping through
            the surface in different places. Still not every land of the Holy Race had the Eternal
            Source of Divine Force …”

                  Wherever there was an outlet on Midgard-Earth the Source’s Force accelerated
            the evolutional development of a person and these outlets were kept secret from ene-
            mies and the uninitiated. After the catastrophe of Antlan (Atlantis), Light Hierarchs
            placed a generator in the bowels of the earth that blocked the manifestation of genetic

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