Page 366 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 366
Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1
egories and introduction of the concept of economic niches allows us to see the eco-
nomic system of the social organism at any level of its development as a whole sys-
tem and at fundamentally different level of analysis.
1. Active economic niches.
2. Social economic niches.
3. Passive economic niches.
4. Parasitic economic niches.
Fig. 28. — The economic system of
a communal society has the same
four categories. The number of nich-
es which form each category of the
economic system increases when the
social organism’s structure becomes
more complicated, however, the
number of categories of economic
niches remains to be the same. The
active economic niches play a de-
termining role at the level of the
communal society. The categories of
social and passive economic niches
are of secondary importance and ful-
ly depend on the level of develop-
ment of active economic niches. The
category of parasitic niches has al-
most no influence on the life of the
social organism.
1. Active economic niches.
2. Social economic niches.
3. Passive economic niches.
4. Parasitic economic niches.
Fig. 29. — The economic system of
a slave-owning society has the same
four categories of economic niches.
Active economic niches continue to
play a determining role in the econ-
omy of the social organism; howev-
er, social niches have been already
taken by parasitic elements which
organized the state itself. The social
organism is divided into a relatively
small number of free citizens and
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