Page 368 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 368

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                                                                  Fig.31. — The economic system of a
                                                                  capitalist  society  has  the  same  four
                                                                  categories  of  economic  niches.  The
                                                                  distinctive  feature  of  this  social  or-
                                                                  ganism  is  a  considerable  rise  in  the
                                                                  number of economic niches in the so-
                                                                  cial  and  passive  categories  and  a
                                                                  massive  penetration  of  social  para-
                                                                  sites  in them. This  level  of develop-
                                                                  ment of the social organism is charac-
                                                                  terized by the fact that the producers
                                                                  of the means and implements of pro-
                                                                  duction  begin  to  play  a  determining

                                                                  role within active economic niches in
                                                                  comparison  with  the  producers  of
                                                                  consumer  goods.  At  the  same  time
                                                                  industrial  production  creates  condi-
            tions for the parasitic elements to control active economic niches through anonymous
                  1. Active economic niches.

                  2. Social economic niches.

                  3. Passive economic niches.
                  4. Parasitic economic niches.

                  Green – the positive and creative niches of the economic system;

                  Yellow – the ballast niches of the economic system;

                  Red – the negative or destructive niches of the economic system.

                                                              Fig.32. —Social parasites penetrate even
                                                              deeper  into  the  social  and  passive  eco-
                                                              nomic niches in the economic system of
                                                              a  socialist  society.  Socialism  is  an  ex-
                                                              treme  form  of  state  capitalism  incorpo-
                                                              rated  into  a  slave-owning  society,  when
                                                              the population of the country belongs not
                                                              to an individual but to the state, the inter-
                                                              ests of which are “defended” by the caste
                                                              of  officials.  The  socialist  society  is  an
                                                              ideal  of  the  parasitic  system  toward
                                                              which  social  parasites  have  strived  for
                                                              the last thousand years. They tested this
                                                              idea in different forms, the most ruthless

                                                              of  which  was  the  one  which  Israelites

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