Page 37 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 37
Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1
paign in order to stop human sacrifices and worship of the goddess Kali-Ma in Dra-
vidia. On banishing the priestesses of the Black Mother from the temples, they re-
turned home. The campaign lasted seventy six years, the Aryan tribes returned to
their Motherland in 2893 (or in 2616 B.C.) After they had left, the Dravidian and the
Naga people went back to the old traditions for the reason mentioned before. There-
fore, the Aryans undertook the second Campaign which, due to a number of reasons,
took place only six hundred and ten years after the first one in 3503 (or in 2006 B.C.)
The second Campaign differed fundamentally from the first one. A part of the Aryans
stayed in Dravidia and began to form the civilization which is known now as the In-
dian civilization. The Khan Uman, the Supreme Priest of the Goddess Tara Light
cult, headed this Campaign and was appointed a Spiritual adviser to the tsar of the
forest people. This is how this event is reflected in the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas:
8. (72). Other Clans of the Great Race will settle
All over the face of Midgard-earth,
Some will cross the Himavat-mountains
To teach the people with skin the colour of darkness
The wisdom of the world of Shine,
So they will stop making frightful and bloody
Sacrifices to their goddess, the Black Mother
And to snake-dragons from the world of Nav
And to found there a new Divine Wisdom and Faith…
Everything is clear here. However, I would like to draw your attention to the
phrase: “... And to snake-dragons from the world of Nav…”
First, The Old Testament mentions also the Serpent which tempted Eve: … And
the woman said, “The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat…” Both the Slavonic-
Aryan Vedas and the Old Testament tell about a serpent(s), manifesting through a
woman-priestess of the Goddess Kali, (Eve).
Second, according to the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas the world of Nav is the name of
the world of spirits where the souls of both people and animals continue to exist af-
ter death, as well as the spirits of extinct species converted into spirit-parasites.
The existence without physically dense bodies made the spirits of extinct animals
adapt fundamentally to another level of existence: incorporeal, i.e. without bodies,
which, unfortunately, led them to parasitism.
Some extinct animals became creature-parasites which devoured the life-force
of those who luckily possessed physically dense bodies and were transformed into so-
called astral animals which, according to the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas, dwelt in the
world of Nav. That is why the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas tell about snake-dragons, the
a new reference point of their history.
43 The goddess Tara was a patroness of Nature and her senior brother Tarkh (or Dazdbog) was a keeper of the
ancient Great Wisdom.
44 The Himalayas.
45 The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. Santias of the Perun Vedas, The First Circle, Santia 5, p 39.
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