Page 38 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 38

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            spirits of extinct species of reptiles, dinosaurs, which many people call dragons. In
            all Russians folk tales and legends dragons were called Zmey-Gorynyches . It is
            interesting that both the Old Testament and the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas mention this
            fact (and this is not the last one). However, some more interesting things are yet to

                  Let us recapitulate the ancient Slavonic-Aryan Vedas text:

                  13. (77). Using lies and sinful flattery,
                  They will occupy many lands of Midgard-Earth,

                  As they have done on other Earths,
                  In many Worlds in the days of the last Great Assa,
                  But they will be defeated

                  And exiled to the country of Artificial Mountains,
                  Where people with skin the colour of Darkness

                  And the descendants of the Celestial Clan
                  Who came from the earth of the God Niy, will live.
                  And human children will begin to teach them to work

                  So they can grow cereals and vegetables to feed their children……
                  During the second Dravidian Campaign the Aryan tribes defeated the troops of
            black magicians, the majority of whom were women-priestess of the Black Mother
            cult. The surviving supporters of the black cult were “… exiled to the country of Arti-
            ficial Mountains …”
                  The same is reflected in the Old Testament:

                  23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden, to till the
            ground from whence he was taken.
                  After their fall the Lord God expelled Adam and Eve from the Paradisial garden,
            Eden. The Bible does not specify the place of exile. However, only on the face of it,
            is the place of “praying for forgiveness of sins” not specified.

                  Before I continue the comparative analysis of the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas and the
            Old Testament, I would like to draw attention to the fact that they reflect one and the
            same events from the viewpoints of adversarial forces. The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas
            reflect  the  events  from  the  standpoint  of  white  magicians  who  headed  two  Cam-
            paigns to Dravidia and smashed the bulwark of black magicians in Ancient India,
            while the Old Testament reflects the events through the prism of perception of the
            beaten, the black magicians. Beaten, they were not resigned to their defeat and ex-

                  46  In Slavic mythology, the word zmey is used to describe a dragon. Most of these words are masculine forms of
            the Slavic word for "snake", which is normally feminine (like Russian zmeya). In Russia and Ukraine, a particular drag-
            on-like creature, Zmey Gorynych, has three heads that grow back, is green, walks on two back paws, has small front
            paws, and spits fire.
                  47  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. Santias of the Perun Vedas, The First Circle, Santia 5, p 41.
                  48  The Old Testament. Book of Genesis Chapter 3, Verses 23. King James Version.

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