Page 33 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 33

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            custom has been preserved until now in Moslem society and not only there. Besides,
            a man who lived in a time of patriarchy would say: “the woman whom I took from
            you,” instead of “the woman whom you gave me.” A man-patriarch takes a woman
            for him; a woman-matriarch takes a man for her. In one case a man is an article and a
            woman  is  a  buyer.  In  the  other,  everything  is  to  the  contrary  and  this,  beyond  all
            doubt, lays an imprint on the psychological portrait of both man and woman, on what
            each of them says, thinks and does and how.

                  God asked Adam, whether he had eaten the fruits of the tree, of which he had
            forbade him to eat. For some reason Adam was only forbidden to eat of the tree of
            knowledge of good and evil in a paradisiacal garden, Eden. Moreover, God intimi-
            dated him: «… for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die... ” How-
            ever, as we know from the Old Testament, neither Eve nor Adam died on tasting the
            fruits of the tree of knowledge. Does it mean that the Lord God lied to His creations,
            created in His image and likeness, i.e. almost to Himself? A question arises: why did
            He do it?

                  Let us try to understand, why He gave false information. In fact, in many coun-
            tries of the world people swear on the Torah, Bible and Koran to tell the truth and
            only the truth and call the Lord God to witness that everything they will say is a ver-
            itable solemn truth. In case of deception, a false witness accounts for it. It does not
            turn out well. May be this is the Lord God’s psychological trick: He knew that after
            He had pronounced these words His creations would do it out of simple curiosity of
            which He also is guilty, otherwise, why would He create everything, including man,
            if it were not curiosity: what would ensue from all this?! This means that for some
            reason He needed it! But why then did He punish His creations, His own “drop of
            blood”, so strictly? In the end, they did not die!

                  And may be the Lord God did not lie at all, but, on the contrary, He told the
            truth? Where is the truth which we are looking for, if it does exist at all and is ac-
            cessible for our understanding? While searching for truth, let us pay attention to the
            name  of  the  tree  with  forbidden  fruits.  The  Lord  God  calls  it  the  tree  of  the
            knowledge of good and evil, which means that after eating these fruits, one can get
            into the essence of these concepts, and at the same time they are mortally dangerous,
            if  we  rely  on  the  God’s  words.  In  order  to  understand  this,  let  us  remember  that
            priests, shamans, prophets, etc. of different people and different cults have used and
            still use fruits, leaves, roots, the bark of different plants in order to increase their par-
            anormal abilities and to open a door into the world of spirits to which they appeal for
            help and for answers to their questions. Carlos Castaneda in The Teachings of Don
            Juan tells that the shamans of ancient Mexico utilized a peyote juice to “arrange” a
            trip to the world of spirits. Until now the American Indian shamans from Central and
            South America use peyote and  other plants which contain  one  or another narcotic
            substance to bring themselves into the state of trance in order to contact the world of
            spirits. The shamans of Siberia use poisonous mushrooms for those ends, for exam-

                  39  The Old Testament. Book of Genesis Chapter 2, Verse 17. King James Version.

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