Page 43 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 43

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            Black  magicians were also  interested  in  genetics: the people  of the  so-called  grey
            sub-race were of particular interest to them, because they carried both types of ge-
            netics (the white and black ones) and were an ideal weapon against the white ma-
            gicians, against the white race civilization. After the Aryans had defeated the black
            magicians of Dravidia-India, they, probably, offered them several places for their ex-
            ile, because the Urs, who were the white race’s spiritual leaders and teachers, never
            destroyed the defeated enemies, but tried to help them to follow a righteous way,
            about which the black forces leaders knew perfectly well. Therefore,  they prepared
            the centres of the future fight against their opponents and secured the “support” of
            their followers beforehand. There is a question: of what does this support consist?

                  Thus, the black magicians created three centers: Dravidia (India), the Land
            of Kush (ancient Ethiopia) and Mesopotamia (Assyria). The last one was a second-
            ary centre, being, in fact, a connective link between the first two: It is of interest that
            at approximately the same time, the Land of Kush, (ancient Ethiopia) in the middle of
            the 8  century B.C. and Assyria in the first half of the 7  century B.C. began con-
            ducting a very aggressive policy toward their neighbours. As a result, ancient Ethio-
            pia conquered Egypt, and Assyria controlled almost the whole of Mesopotamia, con-
            tinuously waging wars with their neighbours for eight centuries. The cult of the Black
            Mother was imposed everywhere, however, under different names (more of this lat-

                  And now let us return to the fate of the defeated Kali-Ma supporters who re-
            mained in Dravidia. The winners, the Aryan tribes, which fought on the side of Light
            Forces, exiled them to the country of the Artificial Mountains. Remember that this
            Campaign took place in 3503 according to the Slavonic-Aryan chronology or in 2006
            B.C. (Fig. 5).

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