Page 47 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 47

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            which lasted for almost two centuries. They moved with their families and all their
            belongings  through  the  lands,  where  far  from  everyone  received  them  with  open
            arms. Often they had to stop for many years to regain forces or to force their way
            with weapons in hand through tribes hostile to them. In the course of time they be-
            came nomadic tribes which later historians will call the Hyksos. At the end of the
            18  to the beginning of the 17  centuries B.C. they conquered Ancient Egypt, the
            country of Artificial Mountains. The Hyksos governed there for about one hundred
            and ten years and only a part of them went south, to the land of Kush, which is men-
            tioned in the Old Testament as a new Eden (Fig. 7).

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