Page 81 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 81

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  It is amazing that such exact information about the past of our ancestors is given
            in the Tale about the Brave Falcon. We should simply accept this and go deeply into
            the sense of our ancestors’ legacy in order to see it, for which we do not need much,
            only to find the meaning of the words and concepts which we do not use now, or to
            restore  the  true  sense  of  these  words  and  concepts,  exactly  as  our  ancestors  used
            them. And the real miracle will happen then!!! We will find that the Tale is exactly
            that, which it must be: a description of real events in the past of the Russian people
            passed  orally  from  one  generation  to  another,  from  olden  times  to  our  days.
            Knowledge which our ancestors passed on through the Tale about the Brave Falcon
            appears to be simply unbelievable. At the same time, it is very interesting, how our
            wise  ancestors  managed  to  carry  the  information  about  the  real  events  of  the  past
            through several millennia, which understanding, allows us to tear the black veil of
            lies from the great past of the Russian people, more precisely — the people of Ruses!

                  Only Russians can search for the true meaning of the words and concepts in the
            Tales. Any foreigner will not be able to see the information which our ancestors in-
            stalled in the folklore for one reason — it is impossible for a foreigner to get into the
            true meaning of the Russian words, he will not do it because of the lack of need. Only
            the genetic memory which we got from our ancestors gives us a chance to return life
            to the words of the great language which, in their turn, once alive, will open to us
            great secrets of the past which very many would like to fall into oblivion. Much evi-
            dence has been destroyed, but no  one was able  to destroy Russian  epic and fairy-
            tales. None of our enemies gave them any significance, considering them just foolish
            fantasies. However, even a Russian will understand the true meaning of the words on-
            ly when he wakes up! Whilst it does not happen, the words will keep their secrets. In
            order to make sure that this is so, let us continue the analysis and see how much sur-
            prising information is “hidden” just in one Tale about the Brave Falcon…

                  So, let us come back to Nastenka’s adventures, to the place where we left her,
            namely to the moment when she left for her first trip in a trade Vitmana since she had
            abandoned her home… After a long way, the Vitmana reached its place of destina-
            tion: “... after the trade Vitmana had landed on a marvelous earth, she went on the
            forest road following the blue sun which was going to rest. She was walking for a
            long time; night came; two moons began to shine in the sky…”
                  Thus, our traveller appeared on another planet which was part of the planetary
            system of a star with the colour blue predominant in the solar spectrum. That is why
            the sun in the sky  of this planet was blue. The trade Vitmana took her  onto  other
            planet, but not to Finest’s Palace (constellation). The Goddess Karna said to her that
            she needed to cover one and a half circles of far away distances to reach Finest’s
            Palace. Nastenka began to prepare for a new trip. By the way, in Russian the word
            “trip” (pute-shestvie) means to go (shestvovat) on one’s way (put), in other words to
            search one’s way and the sense of life and realize oneself. Nowadays this word has
            acquired quite a simplified meaning reduced to the physical motion from one point to

                  82  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. The Source of Life. The Tale about the Brave Falcon, p. 71.

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