Page 83 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 83

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            Earth-planets, while modern information is purely theoretical. Moreover, the velocity
            of light (С) is not a constant and changes within pretty wide limits, to which modern
            science has quite a lot of confirmations.

                  So, the slight difference between the real information of our ancestors and pure-
            ly  theoretical  suppositions  of  modern  scientists  which  are  based  on  the  light-year
            concept  confirms  the  veracity  of  the  information  expounded  in  the  Tale  about  the
            Brave Falcon. But someone could pay attention to the fact that Nastenka describes
            the planet as having a blue sun. A sceptic may gladly rub his hands, looking forward
            to “unmasking” the next “falsification”. But his joy will be somewhat premature. Our
            traveller tells about the blue sun which “was going to rest”, in other words she de-
            scribes the sunset on this planet. Our Sun when “going to rest” is red and sometimes
            is wine-coloured, especially in winter when there is a hard frost. Does this mean that
            our Sun is red or wine-coloured? Not at all; there are a several reasons for it:

                  1. The way the planet’s slope of axis is set with respect to its star. If a plane-
            tary axis slopes toward the star, as in case of our Sun, the shift of the spectrum will
            be toward longer optical waves, i.e. there will be a red shift of the spectrum. If a
            planetary axis slopes from the star, the shift of the spectrum will be toward shorter
            optical waves, i.e. there will be a blue shift of the spectrum.

                  2. The distance between the planet and its star. The nearer the planet is to its
            star, the greater the amount of short optical waves in the star’s spectrum reaching the
            planet: the further from the star, the greater the amount of long optical waves in the
            star’s spectrum reaching the planet.
                  3. The gas composition of the atmosphere. Even a slight change in the propor-

            tions  of  gases  which  form  the  atmosphere  considerably  changes  the  star  radiation
            spectrum which the planet’s atmosphere can absorb. The presence of other rare gases,
            different from earthly ones, in the planet’s atmosphere also considerably changes the
            star radiation spectrum absorbed by the atmosphere.
                  Thus, the fact that Nastenka observed the blue sun on the Goddess Karna’s plan-
            et does not mean that this Earth-planet can not be referred to the Alpha (α) Centauri
            star system. I recommend those who still doubt to look at our Sun through different
            colour filters which create the same effect that the above reasons mention. Now let us
            come back to an ordinary Russian girl’s space Odyssey which, as it turns out, was a
            real event…

                  In order to get to Finest’s Palace (constellation) she must continue her journey:
            “… she sees dark woods, the thorny grass which does not bring grains but is growing
            in the fields; naked and stony mountains meet her and birds do not sing in the sky of
            this earth. Nastenka went further, she hurried very much. Finally she saw again an
            astounding valley with golden trade Vitmanas. Nastenka entreated good people to let
            her into a golden trade Vitmana and left this incredible Earth...”  If she had had her
            own Vitmana or had succeed in finding a trade Vitmana leaving for Finest’s Palace

                  83  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. The Source of Life. The Tale about the Brave Falcon, p. 73.

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