Page 84 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 84

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            (constellation) directly, Nastenka would have been required to make only one jour-
            ney. But because of the fact that trade Vitmanas moved from one planet to another
            according to their own schedule, she had to use those which flew in the, necessary for
            her, direction. Thus, she appeared on the next planet: “... The golden trade Vitmana
            landed on a dark and unattractive Earth. The ore Sun which did not give much heat
            and light was setting behind the mountains; and there were no Moons whatsoever in
            the sky of this Earth...”
                  It is clear from this description that the star of this planet, according to modern
            classification, is a red dwarf star that corresponds to the last phase of the star’s life.
            In principle, red dwarf stars are dying stars. The lack of light and heat causes a poor
            planetary life. This kind of thing is hard to imagine for a person who is far from sci-
            ence and does not have an idea about the existence of other worlds, and Nastenka was
            this person. The Planet-Earth where the Goddess Jelya lived was extremely unattrac-
            tive. The Goddess  said that the distance from this planet to Finest’s Palace was no
            less than two-by-nine and a half  of far away distances, which is 22.5 far away
            distances, that is, 31.5 light years or 2.980152х10  km. Nastenka has approached
            Finest’s Palace for 2.1 light years. Just imagine for a moment, how much time mod-
            ern spaceships would need to cover such a distance!

                  Nevertheless, she is still far from her place of destination and she continues her
            journey:  “ … She sees that the entire Earth is covered by the black forest and there
            is no open country. The further her clue is rolling, the higher and closer the trees
            grow, so that their trunks become entangled. It is getting dark very quickly. The ore
            Sun has abandoned the sky, only the reflection of a purple sunset remains. Finally,
            the black forest ends and Nastenka sees a large wasteland, paved with black stone
            and  flame-coloured  Vitmanas  on  it.  Nastenka  asked  good  people  to  let  her  into  a
            flame-coloured Vitmana and left this unattractive Earth …”
                  She makes her next stop on a planet with a very rich nature: “…The flaming
            Vitmana lands on a picturesque Earth. The gold Sun gives a lot of light and is setting
            behind the sea, and four Moons cover this beautiful Earth with their marvelous light
            from the sky…”
                  Nastenka was approaching Finest’s Palace (constellation) nearer and nearer with
            each flight. The Goddess Srecha revealed to her that the distance between her planet
            and Finest’s Palace is two-by-nine and one third of far away distances, that is, 21
            far away distances or 29.4 light years, or 2.7814752х10  km. As we see Nastenka
            did not come much  closer to  Finest’s Palace during her flight from  Jelya’s Earth-
            planet, only a distance of 2.1 light years. This does not mean necessarily that the dis-
            tance between these two Earth-planets is 2.1 light years, but only the fact that this
            planet is 2.1 light years nearer to Finest’s Palace. We should bear in mind that space

                  84  Ibid.
                  85  2 x 9 + 9/2 = 22,5
                  86  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. The Source of Life. The Tale about the Brave Falcon, p. 75.
                  87  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. The Source of Life. The Tale about the Brave Falcon, p. 76.

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