Page 28 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 28

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

            physical matter of our universe. Decomposition of ions gives rise to various types of
            radiation, so ions, strictly speaking, cannot be called matter (see Fig. 11).

                  Let  us  recall  that  every  nucleus  impacts  its  microcosm.  Only  the  degree  of
            impact varies from element to element. Every nucleon — (nucleons are protons and
            neutrons comprising the nucleus)
            — changes its microspace dimensionality by a value of:

                   Lmicro ≈ 0,000086
                  Therefore, the number of nucleons in an atom (i.e., its atomic weight) is what
            determines  its  dimensionality  level.  The  self-dimensionality  level  of  an  atom,  in

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