Page 30 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 30

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

                  The ABSOLUTE REQUISITE for the origin and development of intelligence
             is a dimensionality gradient of:
                  ζ = 3γi (ΔL)                                                                               (10)
                  Thus, dimensionality gradient is the criterion we apply as to what determines
             the  qualitative  structure  of  space  universes  (for  our  space  universe,  γi(ΔL)  =
             0,020203236...). Only space universes derived from three or more forms of matter

             can fulfill the necessary conditions for the development of life and intelligence. In
             subsequent chapters, we shall explore further the conditions sufficient and necessary
              for the origin of life.
                  Now let us recall that restoration of the microcosm's initial dimensionality level
             occurs for the following reasons: the hybrid matter forms, which appear inside the
             six spheres of our planet as a result of their synthesis in the nonuniform macrospace,
             compensate for the space distortions created by the supernova explosion; also, at the
             same  time,  they  increase  the  level  of  the  microspace  dimensionality  within  the

              volume they occupy.
                  Let us also  recall  that the  lighter  weight atoms, which  minimally  impact the
             microcosm, maintain their stability within the entire spectrum (1). They develop not
             only inside the planetary core, but in the atmosphere as well (see Fig. 9 ), whereas
             the  heavier  nuclei  can  maintain  stability  only  within  a  very  limited  range  of
              macrospace dimensionality (see Fig. 10).
                  Transuranium elements cannot exist in a stable condition for very long. When
             electromagnetic radiation is absorbed, the dimensionality of the absorbing atom is

              rendered critical or supercritical:

                  L transuranium > 2.89915
                  As a result, such atoms disintegrate, creating medium-size nuclei and emitting a

             strong  flow  of  particles  and  waves  of  alpha,  beta  and  gamma  radiation.  This
              triggers a supernova explosion at the microcosmic level.
                  The cause of the explosion is identical in both cases -namely, the instability of
             the  structure  when  it  reaches  the  critical  dimensionality  level.  The  explosion
             aftermath  is  the  same:  the  emission  of  matter  and  radiation,  following  which  the
             system stabilizes. Within a space dimensionality of L=3,00017, none of the forms of
             matter in our universe can interact with one another in any way. It is of interest that
             all radiation known to modern science is depicted as transverse waves; these are the

              result of the microscopic fluctuations of space dimensionality:
                  3,000095 < Lλ < 3,00017

                  0 <  Lλ < 0,000075                                                             (11)
                  The velocity of the wave propagation depends upon the self-dimensionality of
             the  medium  through  which  it  travels.  When  radiation  from  the  sun  and  stars
             penetrates  the  planetary  atmosphere,  the  speed  of  propagation  decreases  since  the

              dimensionality level of the atmosphere proper is less than that of open space:
                  2.899075 < Lλ medium < 2.89915

                  0 <  Lλ medium < 0.000075                                                      (12)
                  In other words, the propagation velocity of transverse waves depends upon the
             medium's self-dimensionality level, which is usually designated as the medium's

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