Page 58 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 58

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

                  Similarly,  free  matter,  flowing  onto  the  etheric  level,  completely  fills  in  the
            deformation "pot-hole". The excess matter breaks free from its planetary captivity.
            The main question here is — what types of free matter are involved in the process
            and why do they fill up this deformity on the etheric level?

                  To  answer  this  question  —  let  us  recall  that  the  etheric  sphere  (level)  was
            formed from the mergence of six free primary matter forms (ABCDEF). Therefore
            the  etheric  deformation  ("pot-hole")  gets  filled  only  with  G,  the  seventh  primary

            matter, which is the only one lacking in the composition of the etheric sphere, the six-
            matter hybrid.

                  Once  the  deformity  of  the  etheric  sphere  is  filled  with  G  matter,  an  exact
            replica of the RNA or DNA molecule is created.
                  Thus the so-called etheric body of the RNA or DNA molecule is formed (see

            Fig. 25, section 2).

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