Page 62 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 62

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

            activity of a hostile external environment, while concomitantly, the underlying cells
            were flanked and buffered by still other cells. This, in turn, led to differentiation in
            cellular  function  and  appearance.  As  a  result,  the  cells  of  these  organisms  began
            performing a variety of different functions and taking on a diverse appearance.
            (For a more detailed account, see Ch.2, op. cit.).

                  As  evolution  progressed,  new  types  of  multicellular  organisms  emerged  and
            older  ones  disappeared.  More  highly  developed  ecosystems  helped  transform  the
            simpler  life  forms.  In  time,  the  living  abandoned  its  cradle,  the  sea,  and  began  to
            inhabit  the  land. But all  this was transpiring  on the physical  level  of planet Earth.

            How then, did these evolutionary processes manifest on other planetary levels?

                  Let us recall that RNA and DNA create their exact replica on the etheric sphere
            from the same primary matter existing on the physical level. This copy constitutes the
            so-called etheric body of the molecule. A one-celled organism (i.e., a cell) typically
            contains  a  whole  array  of  organic  inclusions  -Golgi  apparatus,  mitochondria,
            centrioles, endoplasmic reticulum, etc., as well as organic and inorganic molecules.
            The  latter  participate  in  the  intracellular  biochemical  reactions.  Additionally,  the
            DNA molecules also contain chromosomes produced by the cellular nucleus.

                  It  should  be  noted  that  only  the  DNA  and  RNA  molecules,  and  the  RNA
            mitochondria, are capable of opening a qualitative barrier between the physical and

            etheric levels. All other inclusions, while capable of influencing (i.e., deforming and
            curving) their surrounding microspace, can-not open that barrier.

                  However, all these deformations together create an exact replica of the physical
            cell on the etheric level (see Fig. 26).

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