Page 60 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 60

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

            disintegrating,  the  molecular  etheric  body  either  totally  disappears  or  loses  its
            optimum density.
                  It is similar to a puddle on the road — if it does not rain for a while, all the water
            evaporates and only a pothole remains.
                  And  so,  the  constant  disintegration  of  molecules  "trapped"  within  the

            RNA/DNA's inner spiral space is an absolute requisite for the origin of life.
                  The emergence of an etheric body is a qualitatively new stage in the evolution
            of matter. Imprisoned matter had found a way to get free from captivity. This is the
            way  of  living  matter:  emergence  of  an  etheric  body  marks  the  first  step  in  the
            evolution  of  free  matter.  We  may  only  speak  of  complete  liberation  on  an
            evolutionary level when physically solid living matter evolves all six spiritual bodies.

                  The spirit (or soul) comprises a system of bodies which living matter evolves
            in the process of adapting to the environment. By truly understanding the spirit, we
            hold  the  key  to  grasping  a  host  of  natural  phenomena  —  conception,  death,
            transformation,  clinical  death,  multiple  personality,  psychic  dysfunction  and  many
            others.  Each  body  of  the  spirit  is  a  structural  copy  of  the  physical  body  on  a
            corresponding planetary level.

                  Complementary relationship between number of primary matters in Earth
            planetary spheres and human spiritual bodies:

                  Spiritual bodies have a qualitative structure according to the differing quantities
            of primary matter forms. The number of matter forms comprising each spiritual body
            is determined by the qualitative structure of the planetary sphere on which the body is
                  The smaller the number of matter forms that merged to form a given planetary
            sphere, the larger the number of matter forms making up the spiritual body on that
            level.  The  law  governing  this  process  is  simple:  seven  primary  matters  make  up
            everything in  our universe.  The physical sphere resulted from the mergence  of all
            seven primary matters, while the astral sphere, for example, was created out of five

            matter forms.

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