Page 95 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 95

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

            undisputed  fact.  The  etheric,  astral  and  mental  bodies  of  our  physical  cells  also
            perform a share of the workload as they build up our physical bodies.

                  Each body that comprises part of our spirit is unable to function at maximum
            efficiency all the time. That is why, in the course of evolution, each of the bodies —
            etheric, astral and mental — developed a self-regulatory mechanism for handling the
            workload. Let us bear in mind that the spirit as a whole, as well as each of its separate
            bodies,  has  its  own  level  of  development.  This  means  that  the  etheric,  astral  and
            mental body of the spirit as a whole, as well as each single cell separately, has  its

              own specific level of self-dimensionality.
                  Since the cells function as basic components of the organism as a whole, each

            body — ether-ic, astral and mental -undergoes a change in its dimensionality under
              the impact of the whole load. Let us examine the activity cycle of a cell's astral body.
                  We start by examining the phenomenon from the moment when the cell's astral
            body is at its lowest value after processing a previous load (see Fig. 48).

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