Page 99 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 99

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

            called the intellectual biorhythm. As a full cycle unfolds, its dimensionality level
              drops to the initial level and everything starts all over again.
                  Thus,  an  emotion  born  in  the  depths  of  the  soul  may  clash  with  certain
            periodically  repeating  activity  levels  of  the  astral  body.  Explosive  eruptions  of
            primary matters G and F, triggered by fear in moments of danger, sharply decrease
            the  astral  body's  self-dimensionality  level;  however,  unlike  the  characteristically
            smooth movement of the astral bio -rhythms, it is very abrupt. Further, this change
            in astral body level may push it beyond its critical limit, leading to its malfunction

              and ultimate destruction.
                  The cell loses its astral and first mental body (or only the astral body if it lacks a
            mental body). Its qualitative structure collapses, resulting in loss of normal functions,
            leaving it only the capacity to function like an etheric cell body. An abrupt decrease
            arrests  the  astral  body  at  the  phase  in  the  cycle  of  the  emotional  biorhythm

              corresponding to its level of dimensionality.
                  When  cells  having  only  an  etheric  body  come  into  proximity  with  normally
            functioning cells that possess — in keeping with their function — astral or astral and
            mental bodies, uncontrollable cell  division results.  This  occurs because a cell with

            broken  astral  and  mental  bodies  receives  the  same  nourishment  as  its  neighboring
            cells. In this case, the primary matter by-products of disintegration saturate only the
            etheric  cell  body,  which  then  becomes  engorged  with  them,  resulting  in  a  reverse
            flow of type G that is more robust than the flow from the nearby cells.

                  Such a cell readily accumulates organic molecules, since only a portion of the
            incoming molecules decomposes.
                  When  the  concentration  of  organic  molecules  reaches  the  critical  level,  cell

            division occurs and a cancer tumor starts to develop.
                  If, in a stress situation (e.g., fear or anxiety, among many others), the astral and
            mental body (when present) break down at a time when the astral body is in a low
            phase of emotional biorhythm, prolonged depression often results. This is because, in
            times of stress (as with any emotional reaction) the astral body's supply of G and F
            matter starts erupting, leading to a drop in the cell's astral body dimensionality.

                  As the latter becomes commensurate with that of the lower range of the planet's

            astral plane, this brings the cell's astral bodies as well as the organism as a whole into
            a state of harmony with the lower astral planetary plane, which resonates with the
            negative emotions. A subject in such a state is bombarded by negative emotions —
            without a chance of returning to normal.

                  The only way to restore normality is to fill up the cells' astral bodies with G and
            F matter, particularly F. This occurs when the physical cells release primary matters
            through the disintegration of their organic molecules. This proceeds slowly until the
            dimensionality level of the astral body returns to its initial value.

                  If, in the process of recuperation, new stress emerges, the organism will again be

            catapulted to the lower astral plane. So a subject may be submerged for a long time in
            a morass of negative emotions. The only solution is the speediest possible restoration
            of the original dimensionality before some new load or stress overtakes the organism.

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