Page 100 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 100

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

                  And here one may note differing recuperative powers among the various types
            of  human  psyche,  of  which  there  are  four  main  types  —  sanguine,  phlegmatic,
            choleric and melancholic.

            Each  subject's  type  is  determined  by  the  qualitative  structure  of  his  spirit,  as
            delineated by the relationship between the etheric and astral bodies. For example, a
            subject  with  a  complete  astral  body  and  a  dominant  etheric  body  belongs  to  the
            sanguine type (see Fig. 51).

            7  Ed. Note: The terminology set forth here is still in use in Russia to designate the diagnostic categories
            referring to four fundamental types of psychic organization. The antiquated terminology was kept, though
            the concepts were updated to coincide with contemporary knowledge. In the present volume, the older
            terminology is retained, and the four basic types of psychic organization are explained according to the
            composition of man's spiritual bodies and their biorhythmic vicissitudes — a multidimensional
            perspective never before offered. "SPIRITUAL" BODIES are simply bodies that make up the spirit and
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