Page 182 - Revelation
P. 182

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            second farm with a smaller and not so beautiful house. Regrettably, the second gift
            soon disappeared too... A small woollen factory was the next and last help from my
            grandmother’s patient parents. It functioned like a well-oiled machine and could bring
            a  very  good profit allowing the  family  a  comfortable  living, if  managed  correctly.
            However, by that time the misfortunes had affected my grandfather so that he indulged
            in "hard" liquor and therefore the total ruin of the family did not keep them waiting too

                  It was precisely my grandfather’s careless "economy" that put all his family in a
            very  difficult  financial  situation,  when  all  the  children  had  to  work  to  maintain
            themselves and forget about their further education in higher schools or institutes. For
            this reason, on burying her dreams to become a doctor, my mother went to work at the
            central post-office, simply because there was a vacant seat at that moment.
                  So, the life of the young and "old" families of the Seriogins passed in simple
            everyday chores without any special (good or bad) "adventures".

                  Almost a year slipped by. My mother was pregnant, expecting her first-born. My
            dad literally "flew" with happiness and repeated over and over again that it would be a
            son. He was right – they did have a boy... But the circumstances of his birth were so
            horrific that even the sickest imagination could not have invented it…
                  My mother was taken to the hospital on a Christmas day shortly before the New
            Year.  Certainly,  everybody  worried  but  none  expected  any  negative  consequence
            because my mother was a young and strong woman with the perfectly developed body
            of a sportswoman (she went in for gymnastics since being a child) and the general
            opinion was that she should give birth very easily. But evidently someone there "at the
            top" vigorously opposed, for some unknown reasons, my mother having a child... What
            I am going to tell further is far beyond all human concepts of mercy and honour or
            Hypocratic oath. That night a doctor on duty called Remeika saw that the delivery had
            complications  and  decided  to  call  the  chief  surgeon  of  the  Alitus  hospital,  doctor
            Ingeliavitchus who had to leave the festive table to come to the hospital. Naturally, the
            doctor appeared "a little" tipsy and on hastily examining  my  mother, decided right
            away: "Cut open!", apparently wishing to come back as quickly as possible to the New
            Year celebration he had to interrupt. Nobody on the staff wished to contradict him and
            my mother was prepared for the operation. And than  "interesting" things began to
            happen which made my long hair stand on end when I heard this part of the story.
                  Ingeliavitchus began the operation and, having applied the lancet on my mother,

            left her on the operating table! She was anesthetized and could not know what happened
            around her in that moment. But the nurse who assisted during the operation told her
            that  the  doctor  was  "urgently"  called  to  take  care  of  some  "urgent  case"  and
            disappeared, leaving my mother cut open on the operating table... One may ask what
            case could be more "urgent" for a surgeon than two lives that depended fully on
            him right now and which he left to the mercy of fate so easily?! But this was not all
            yet. In  several seconds the nurse  was called  from  the  operating-room, because the
            surgeon  "urgently"  needed  her  help  in  another  case,  and  when  she  flatly  refused,
            saying that there was an "open" person on the table, she was told that they would send
            "somebody else" at once. But nobody ever came…

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