Page 27 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 27

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            considering  the  very  considerable  threat  to  your  galaxy,  is  a  most  crucial  period.
            Therefore you should undertake this task immediately.
            The CGO pledges that as soon as man’s first inquiry is received, we will hand over the

            initial course and detailed instruction for the gradual training of future generations in
            continuous [non-binary] logic. However, we will not do so before all the intelligent
            nations of Earth cease their absurd quarrels and agree to concentrate all of their efforts
            on the lengthy process of thought reconstruction. Otherwise, if a bellicose nation comes
            to  grasp  the  principles  of  continuous  logic  it  would  be  tantamount  to  giving  it  an

            absolute weapon, and ultimately lead to destruction of the entire human race.

            The  present  Third  Declaration  of  the  CGO  to  mankind  is  the  final  one.  The
            absence of a response in the next 50 (fifty) earth years will be construed as an
            indication  that  mankind  is  rejecting  this  offer  to  become  a  member  of  the

                                         By permission of The Coalition Group of Observers (CGO).

                  10  As a result of certain interventions, the threat of annihilation by the gravitational vortex is no longer
            a  problem.  However,  mankind  is  in  far  more  imminent  danger  of  extinction  through  destruction  of  his
            ecosystem. N.L.

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