Page 25 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 25

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            Nevertheless, the CGO is aware that there has been an accelerated development of
            intelligence by at least some individuals, and this consideration allows us to believe

            that this Declaration is not hopeless. However, any agreement between mankind and
            the  Coalition  can  only  be  concluded  after  human  beings  have  overcome  their
            reprehensible habits.


            Owing to the primitive state of your logic, the CGO is forced to be skeptical of the
            development of the human race in the following additional respects: your civilization’s
            attitude  to  ward  technology  and  your  personal  fear  of  death.  The  development  of

            technology in itself, is definitely a positive sign, which leads the CGO to favor the
            human race as intelligent, but the idealization of technology, and your assigning it a
            special role as the prime attribute of your civilization, is alarming to us. Historically,
            when  separate  regions  of  the  Earth  lacked  direct  communication,  the  human  race
            developed haphazardly. It did achieve several experimental civilizations of different

            types, some of which were approved by the CGO.

            Regrettably,  when  direct  contact  between  different  cultures  finally  appeared  in  the
            process  of  development  and  expansion,  they  could  not  coexist  in  peace.  Crude,
            primitive  and,  because  of  these  qualities,  more  powerful  civilizations  usually
            exterminated those that were more intelligent and humane, only to be exterminated, in
            turn, by an even cruder force.

            Unfortunately, a  mechanistic civilization, the most primitive  of all, dominates the

            Earth at the present time. It encompasses the entire human race, keeps it under control,
            and will not give a new civilization the chance to emerge. Only if the mechanistic
            civilization self-destructs and man takes control into its own hands, will a new and
            different civilization emerge: one that will be more conducive to the essential well-
            being of the race.

            The  CGO  hopes  that  this  final  Declaration,  along  with  appropriate  help  from  the
            Coalition, will initiate that transformation provided mankind shows a sincere desire to
            change.  We  wish,  however,  to  point  out  that  civilizations  with  centers  in
            Amuradgehapure, at the time of the First Declaration, and Tkaacetkoal, at the time of
            the Second Declaration, were more attuned to the needs of the human race than your
            contemporary mechanistic society.

            As one of possible means of help, the CGO can provide the human race with detailed
            descriptions of those civilizations, to be used as models for a new civilization. One of
            our major criteria for judging a race as intelligent is where every member elevates
            collective intelligence above all else. Consequently, man as an intelligent being must
            prioritize the development of the collective racial intelligence. The functions of man

            are  as  follows:  harvest  all  information  from  previous  generations,  add  whatever  is

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