Page 24 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 24

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            Because of the weakness of your logical foundation you are limited in your ability to
            finely differentiate between objects and events, basing your distinctions upon a

            variety of notations, which are quite chaotic and illogical even from the point of
            view of your own logic. This is very easily proven, for instance, in the case of human
            language, where the distinctions are quite inexact.

            Your method of communication, which you claim as one of the superior achievements
            of  the  human  mind,  is  based  upon  the  establishment  of  such  meaningless
            differentiations.  If  you  calculate  the  number  of  meaningful  sentences  in  your

            language, you will see how primitive it is as a method of informational exchange,
            and is, rather, a way to limit that process. And it is not an achievement of intellect,
            only a transient, dysfunctional step in the early stage of human evolution.

            Considering  language  as  an  instrument  for  both  exchanging  and  conveying
            information, you have not yet noticed how much it impacts your way of thinking, how
            inevitably  it  forces  you  into  the  very  same  process  of  fragmentation  and

            compartmentalization. Thus your ethics and esthetics, particularly, contain a multitude
            of conceptual pairs that are mutually contradictory, such as thesis and antithesis.

            Your public and personal morals follow the same principles of polarizing ideas like
            “love—hate,” “good—evil,” “life—death,” and so on...

            Even your own observation, that different nations attach different meanings to those
            antithetical concepts is of no help to you. In the course of time, the very meanings
            themselves keep changing. Meanwhile you think of yourselves as a highly civilized

            race, yet in a court of law you apply a “yes” or “no” criterion to determine whether a
            verdict  of  guilt  or  innocence  is  appropriate  for  a  single  individual.  Under  no
            circumstances would such criteria be acceptable for determining the fate of a nation.
            But you permit the categorical principles of “yes” or “no” to dominate even there,
            turning virtually the entire planet into an enormous jail for all nations.

            Moreover, your binary system of logic allows you to entrust the destiny of all nations
            and the entire human race to a handful of individuals. In international politics this is
            your idea of “a state of peace” or “a state of war” with abrupt shifts of logic. You think
            that this is perfectly natural, without even considering whether it is rational, and pursue
            it with a truly absurd tenacity. The latest world war and the new one about to happen,
            prove  that  your  precipitous  development  of  technology  has  not  propelled  you  into


            Because of the abrupt and almost instantaneous shifts of your social structures and
            international politics from one state to another, it is very difficult for us to make any
            prediction regarding your future development. For the last couple of thousand years,
            the CGO has observed that you are almost continuously at war with each other: because

            of the natural course of historical processes, it will take twelve thousand years before
            your warring will begin to diminish.

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