Page 26 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 26

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            newly acquired from experience and perception, then pass it on to the next generation,
            increased and improved.

            Chaotic fluctuations in the movement of an intelligent society’s thought processes are

            necessary: after sifting through history one finds zigzags in the movement of thoughts
            that  correspond  to  shifts  in  the  changing  objective  picture  of  reality.  The  latter  is
            unpredictable  in  direction,  while  the  spectrum  of  thinking  of  any  individual  has  a
            consistency during that individual’s life span. Hence it follows that each generation’s
            transformation  is  necessary  not  for  the  preservation  and  continuation  of  the

            species, but for preservation of their cumulative intelligence as a race of intelligent

            Therefore, considering the cosmic laws of Freedom of Will and Freedom of Choice,
            any hope you have that contact with extraterrestrial races will help to solve your ethical
            problems are groundless and impractical. The problem has a solution, but it is not what
            you think. Indeed, generally speaking it is not a problem at all. Moreover, we cannot

            offer the human race appropriate solutions, no matter how dire the situation might be,
            because each race has a right to decide its own destiny.


            The CGO will maintain contact with mankind and its independent representatives to
            answer  any  questions  and  to  provide  help  with  any  problem  relating  to  personal
            character. But the main purpose of this Declaration is to warn you about the coming
            danger and apprise you of our offer to become a member of the Coalition. At the very

            first inquiry, the by-laws of the Coalition and a description of its structure may be
            handed over for study and publication by the government of any of the four largest
            countries, or by the Secretary of the League of Nations without any further provisos. If
            you decide to join the Coalition you will first have to undertake the rebuilding of the
            logical foundation of your thinking according to guidelines common to the Coalition.

            That stipulation is needed because your distorted way of thinking will cause a growing
            inferiority  complex  in  anyone  who  joins,  but,  also  primarily,  because  of  basic
            differences in the thought process itself. This would lead to failure in the exchange of
            vital, perhaps very basic, information between the races of the Coalition and mankind.
            Regrettably,  this  Declaration  is  an  example  of  such  a  flawed  communication.  At
            present, mankind is useless to the Coalition and vice versa.

            Without the reconstruction of your thought processes, we are powerless even to lend
            you a hand to protect you from the vortex. As we see it, it will take you about six
            thousand  years  to  reconstruct  the  logical  foundation  of  your  thinking,  which,

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