Page 39 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 39

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov


            α1 — is the coefficient of interaction between the physically solid and etheric spheres.

            α2 – is the coefficient of interaction between the physically solid and astral spheres.

            α3  –  is  the  coefficient  of  interaction  between  the  physically  solid  and  first  mental

            α4 – is the coefficient of interaction between the physically solid and second mental

            α5 – is the  coefficient  of interaction between the physically  solid and third mental


            We  then  define  planet  Earth,  as  consisting  of  six  concentric  spheres,  each
            interposed within another, the whole constituting an UNBROKEN UNITY. This
            fact is essential for understanding many phenomena and mysteries of both living and
            non-living matter, such as the evolution of life on our planet. Following the completion
            of  the  qualitative  structure  of  Earth,  non-uniformity  in  that  region  of  space  is

            neutralized (F Fi ig g. .   1 12 2b b).

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