Page 42 - The Final Appeal to Mankind
P. 42

«The Final Appeal to Mankind» by Nicolai Levashov

            This is an example of how material bodies deform the space they happen to occupy.
            Every  massive  material  body  of  outer  space  —  stars,  planets,  asteroids,  etc.  is

            composed of atoms and molecules that make up the stars and planets. The effect of just
            a single atom or molecule barely influences the microcosm and is virtually undetectable
            by modern devices .

            How, then does an atom or molecule affect its own microcosm? Do the atomic nuclei
            of hydrogen, gold, and uranium all impact their surrounding space in the same way?
            Do  organic  and  inorganic  molecules  have  the  same  impact?  To  start  with,  let  us
            consider the structure of the microcosm. Atomic dimensions range from 10  to 10
            meters. Nuclear size falls with the range of several Fermi units around (1÷10)10

            With regard to atomic volume, we are dealing with values of 10 ÷10  cubic meters,
            and a nuclear size of 10 ÷10  cubic meters. An atomic nucleus occupies up to one
            hundred trillionth of the entire atomic volume, while an electron occupies even less
            volume  than  the  nucleus.  Thus,  the  substance  within  the  atom  makes  up  only  the
            slightest part of its volume, while the remaining portion is “empty”, i.e., 99.999%
            unoccupied by any substance.

            The mass concentrated in the atomic nucleus has the same kind of impact on the
            microcosm as the concentrated matter of a star has on its surrounding space. We
            will later consider the effect of a star on space and its consequences. For now, let us

            focus on how an atomic nucleus affects its own microcosm.

            Every atomic nucleus affects the uniformity of space, thereby altering the dimension
            and curvature of its microcosm. What happens when this occurs? Do all the various
            atoms produce an identical change in the microcosmic dimensions?

            Hydrogen has a minimal atomic weight of two atomic units; the transuranium elements
            (upwards  of  235)  represent  the  heaviest  atomic  weights.  Obviously,  the  impact  of

            hydrogen on its microcosm will be far different than that of the transuranium elements
            on their surrounding space.

            Radioactive elements exert the strongest effect on the structure of the microcosm, but
            the  impact  is  so  powerful  as  to  render  their  nuclei  unstable  and  trigger  their
            disintegration into simpler, stabler elements. Moreover, the higher their weight, the
            faster they disintegrate. Some of these elements exist for only a billionth of a second

            and only in an artificial environment.

            What, then, is responsible for the curvature of microcosmic space? If a value of ∆λ =
            0.020203236  is  required  to  cause  the  fusion  of  the  seven  types  of  primary  matter
            (described in Chapter 1), it follows that the atoms thus created give rise to spatial-

            dimension values of the mathematically opposite sign — that is, for example, a minus
            (–) instead of a plus (+). This leads to a partial secondary curvature of the space. In

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