Page 112 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 112

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            one Galaxy and those of several. Also, single inhabited planets, for example, Mid-
            gard-earth, also could be called a “World”.

                  It is of interest that one planet is called the same as the whole Galaxy. Probably,
            it has happened because of an inaccuracy in translation, just as happened with the
            world-known Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace. However, in Russian it was written as
            Voina i Mir which meant War and Society and, thus, had quite another meaning. The
            matter is that before the revolution of 1917 in the Russian language there were two
            Russian homonyms:  Mip and Mup [mir], the first one meant Society and the sec-
            ond one – Peace. The translation that changed the meaning of the title became possi-
            ble after several “unnecessary” letters were thrown out of the Russian alphabet, in-
            cluding the letter i which was used to transmit a short sound [i] while the letter u cor-
            responded to a long sound [i:]. As a result, two different words Mup and Mip which
            meant,  accordingly,  an  “armistice  or  non-aggression  agreement”  and  “society  or
            community” began to be written down the same way, thus, distorting the meaning of
            transmitted things.

                  It is quite possible that Midgard-earth was called a World, because it received
            people from many planets, which were members of one and the same enormous un-
            ion of civilizations, or because the qualitative confluence of all the best, which those
            planets had, happened there.

                  Probably, that was the reason why Light Forces placed the Source of Life in the
            bowels of the earth, as a result of which our planet became such a tasty morsel for
            Dark Forces that for more than one hundred thousand years the war between Light
            and Dark Forces has been waging to dominate it. This war has already resulted in the
            loss of two earthly Moons — Lelia and Fatta — the fragments of which caused two
            planetary  catastrophes,  each  of  which  reduced  the  earthly  civilization  to  a  more
            primitive level. The second planetary catastrophe had especially dramatic conse-
            quences. It was caused by the unsuccessful attempts of Grey Priests of Atlantis who
            tried to control the Elemental Forces of Midgard-earth in order to achieve world dom-
            ination (the grey priests are priests who fell under the influence Dark Forces, but did
            not take their side fully and also who observed neutrality in the war between Light
            and Dark Forces).

                  In most cases, these were priests who did not reach the higher stages in the hier-
            archy and who, because of the lack of talent or unwillingness to wait for complete en-
            lightenment by knowledge became puppets in the hands of the Dark Forces emissar-
            ies. Exactly this category of young priests who had more ambitions than abilities for
            growth, together with the derelicts of the Ants tribes abandoned their pra-Motherland
            and created the Empire Antlan (the land of Ants) on a large island in the Atlantic

                  4. (69). But having great prosperity
                  Will blunt the minds of the leaders and priests;

                  110  A homonym is one of a group of words that share the same pronunciation but have different meanings, and
            are usually spelt differently.

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