Page 108 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 108

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  The night covered the knights with its dark veil,
                  Helping them to sneak up to the camp.
                  The brave falcons, guided by divine spirit,
                  Struck together at all the foreign enemies.
                  A lot of enemies escaped from the field of battle,
                  Hoping to hide from the Law of Requital.
                  But Darislav’s brigade was waiting for the enemies
                  In the dark forests at the top of the White-Stone…
                  7 516 years ago (2007) the Great Dragon (Ancient China) and the Great Race
            concluded a peace treaty in the Star Temple to the North of the Kh'Aryan Sea (the
            Lake Baykal). For the Slavs-Aryans these places were sacred long before this event.

                  In six days the knights reached the ruined and burned ancient temple. Seven cir-
            cles  —  112  knights  rushed  in  pursuit.  Someone  will  be  surprised  at  such  a  small
            number. However, let us not draw conclusions in haste about the insignificance of the
            hostile raid. The caste of knights possessed the force. A knight (vitiaz) could be a
            professional warrior who possessed parapsychical abilities, in other words one who
            could draw the force and send it through himself. Thus, they became almost invul-
            nerable and  tireless. Our ancestors called  the Ancient Secret  Knowledge  of force
            control in general, and of fight, in particular, Giva [dʒiva]. It was not only a system of
            fighting techniques, but also a philosophical-moral system of concepts of the world-
            view. Not every professional warrior could be taught Giva, but only those, who had
            high  moral  principles  and  submitted  to  the  Code  of  Honour,  not  in  words,  but  in

                  The force domination was a powerful weapon and it was given into hands of the
            most deserving from the most deserving.  Knights mastered  Giva to  perfection and
            several knights could resist the whole armies that would have thousands of warriors.
            Therefore 112 knights were not few, but even too many. Besides, too big an army
            could not make a plundering raid on the stranger’s territory. It would have to have a
            large train and, thus, there could not be any sudden assault on the Temple.

                  Twenty seven knights went with Irislav to follow the tracks of the enemy: … to
            reach the eastern lands, which lay beyond the sea, where Yarila-Sun rises, and in
            three days caught the enemy. It turns out that the knights did it in the valley between
            Lake Baykal and the Yablonevy mountain range. Darislav’s knights passed along the
            range and cut off the enemies’ retreat. They knew all the passage-ways through the
            mountain range where enemies would try to escape after Irislav’s knights struck. The
            enemies that survived were intercepted and destroyed.

                  It is of interest that after the enemies had destroyed the Temple; they began to
            search for the output of the Source of Life, could not do this and soon were found by
            Irislav’s knights. Thus, the Third Message indicates the approximate place of the out-
            put of this Source (most likely, a very powerful one) — in the valley which was lo-
            cated south-east from Lake Baykal and to the north from the slopes of the Yablonevy

                  108  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. The Fourth Book. The Source of Life, The Third Message, p. 34-35.

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