Page 107 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 107

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            anomalous areas where plants acquire much greater size than they would normally,
            exist now. According to the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas one of these places was located in
            the area of the Lake Baykal (the Kh'Aryan Sea).

                  Far East is a unique natural phenomenon. There are plenty of such places where
            it is possible to find the unusual growth of plants in the Ussuriyskaya taiga, in Pri-
            morsky Krai (can also be referred to as Maritime Province), on Sakhalin Island. In
            some places  ordinary  meadow grass reaches such height that a mounted horseman
            can hide in it, the leaves of burdocks resemble huge umbrellas and it is possible to
            shelter under them from rain. The growth of plants is determined by the speed of syn-
            thesis of organic matter which is controlled by the intensity of streams of primary
            matters and their proportional correlation. Thus, the anomalous growth of plants indi-
            cates the places of the Force’s output. In addition, the Slavonic-Aryan sources plainly
            specify the location of at least one of the outputs of Force in Far East:

                  The enemies secretively trespassed over the border,
                  Destroying sanctuaries near the Kh'Aryan Sea:
                  They searched for the hidden Source,
                  For the Rasitches  106  to loose their force forever.
                  Seven circles hastily started their journey,
                  Rushing tirelessly, at full speed, on their golden-mane horses;
                  They reached that place near the Kh'Aryan Sea in six days
                  And laid all the bodies of the killed on a kroda ,
                  And set a sacred fire, performing the ceremony.
                  When they had the funeral feast and mourned for the defenders of Light,
                  Two detachments rushed to search for the enemies.
                  Irislav the Wise headed one of them
                  And twenty seven knights were next to him.
                  This detachment sped to reach the eastern lands
                  That lay beyond the sea, where Yarila-Sun rises.
                  There the Rasiches found the tracks of the enemy
                  That led to the ancient Source of Life.
                  But the enemy did not see those hidden ways
                  Along which volkhvs went to the Source.
                  The goblin led them in circles through the woods,
                  Trying to entrap them into a bog, into the water-spirit’s arms.
                  Darislav went at the head of the second detachment,
                  Using untrodden paths near the top of the White-Stone.
                  They aimed to block all the ways of retreat
                  For those who violated the rest of the Sacred Race.
                  By the third night after the memorable funeral feast
                  Irislav discovered the enemy’s camp.

                  106  Another name for Russians.
                  107  The Slavonic word “kroda” or “krada” means a funeral pyre.

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