Page 110 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 110

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            of great importance.

                  1.17. The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas: the reasons for the Second Plan-
                  etary Catastrophe on Midgard-earth

                  Let us come back to the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas and read the Fourth Book: “The
            Source of Life”, The First Message:

                  The measuring way has connected Ingard and Midgard,
                  The worlds of Golden Suns located in one sleeve.
                  To go along this way one has to visit
                  Many Earths, which are near Bright Stars.
                  Midgard called the Soul by the dance of dreams,
                  Because it gathered the wisdom of many Stars
                  That was kept by those who had rendered that World habitable.
                  There is a Source of Life on this Sacred Earth
                  In that far away world located near to the border.
                  It feeds the souls of those who live on Midgard.
                  But a great many eons passed in Svarga
                  And life on Midgard-earth,
                  Where once the marvellous Races’ way had prevailed, changed…              109

                  Ingard-earth  is  considered  to  be  the  Pra-Motherland  of  many  Slavonic-Aryan
            Clans. This Planet-Earth is located in the Dazhdbog-Sun planetary system and has an
            orbital period of 576 days. The Dazhdbog-Sun — a Golden Sun — is located in the
            Palace of the Race of Svarog’s Circle which according to modern concepts corre-
            sponds to the Beta Star in the Leo constellation (Fig. 17).

                  109  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. The Fourth Book. The Source of Life, First Message, p. 15-16.

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