Page 130 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 130

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            abilities reached a level of evolutional development when they were able to under-
            stand fully the consequences  of their actions and realize their responsibility for

                  Man starts his development right after his birth being at the stage of animal and
            goes gradually through the stages of reasoning animal and then to actual man. Mov-
            ing from the stage of animal to the stage of reasoning animal and from the stage of
            reasoning animal to the stage of actual man, the simple evolutional reactivation of
            already available bodies of the human spirit with which it enters into a fertilized egg
            at the moment of conception occur. At the minimal level of evolutional development
            the human spirit has two bodies — the second and third material bodies (ether and
            astral  bodies).  When  the  second  material  body  is  being  reactivated,  a  person  goes
            through the stage of animal to that of reasoning animal. During the evolutional re-
            activation of the third material body, a person goes from reasoning animal to actual
            man. At this stage of evolutional development any person is able to influence reality
            only  at  the  level  of  his  own  physical  body.  Only  when  an  individual  earns  the
            fourth material body of the spirit, will he gain the possibility to co-operate active-
            ly with the surrounding reality, certainly, within very limited bounds at first. And
            only when a person successively earns the fifth, sixth and seventh bodies of the spir-
            it, is he able to operate on reality at the planetary level. Thus, the planetary cycle
            of his evolution is completed and the space one begins; the latter, in its turn, has a
            great number of evolutional steps.

                  The completion of the planetary cycle of evolution allows an individual to be
            free of the evolutional captivity of the planet, going through all six planetary qualita-
            tive barriers. The latter is possible in one case only – if a developing individual gets
            enlightenment by knowledge and understands his responsibility for his actions.
            On other planets this process of evolutional development progresses gradually and
            the chromosomes and genes of an individual are gradually changing in the process of
            this development. The situation on Midgard-earth differs dramatically because of the
            fact that people came from other Earth-planets where they had been through a num-
            ber  of stages of  evolutional development. Therefore, at the beginning of Midgard-
            earth’s colonization the spirits who took part in the circulation of life had several ma-
            terial bodies which had to be reactivated.

                  Such  spirits  injected  genetics  which  had  new  properties  and  qualities  and  al-
            lowed operating on reality at qualitatively new levels. Often the experiment resulted
            in a combination of genes which gave the kind of abilities to operate reality which
            had never been  achieved  even at the higher  evolutional stages  of development. A
            person who got such a genetic inheritance often did not have his spirit woken up.
            Without the enlightening by knowledge when a person is able to penetrate into the
            essence of things with his consciousness and realizes the responsibility for any action,
            the genetic ability to influence reality at the planetary and higher levels is very dan-
            gerous. Such a person is like a child playing with a thermonuclear bomb with all the
            consequences that may come out of this kind of situation.

                  Precisely  these  “sleepers”  with  enormous  abilities  to  influence  reality,  but
            spiritually poor or with a warp in their spiritual development began to use the el-

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