Page 132 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 132

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            widely used in modern technical equipment. The ancient Hindus misinterpreted the
            liberation from this “fool proofing” when reaching the minimum necessary for this
            evolutional level: as a result of this misinterpretation the false concept of nirvana or
            the state of Samadhi appeared. This is a basic error in the “Great Hindu Teachings”
            and, unfortunately, far from the only one. It is also of interest that  Sanskrit, about
            which the Hindus boast so much, was a dead language in India, both modern and an-
            cient. No people in India speak this language now, nor ever did in antiquity, but this
            language is spoken … in Russia! Sanskrit, more correctly, Old Russian, appeared in
            Dravidia (Ancient India) after the Second Aryan Conquest in 3503 (the Slavonic-
            Aryan chronology) or in 2006 B.C.

                  Some Slavs-Aryans spoke the Old Russian for a thousand years after the main
            forces had abandoned India and kept the purity of their race, but they were forced to
            mix  with  local  population  because  of  their  paucity  and  gradually  dissolved  in  it.
            However, their traces can be seen in the higher caste of modern India. The features of
            the white race can be obviously noted in the caste of Brahmans: a very light, almost
            white skin, Caucasian features, high height. The lower we go along the caste hierar-
            chy of India, the less genetic traces of the white race can be seen in the people who
            inhabit this country. There are no genetic traces of the white race whatsoever in Shu-
            dra, the lowest caste of India. The lower the person on the hierarchical staircase, the
            stronger the features of the black race to which the Dravidian and Naga people — the
            direct ancestors of modern Hindus — belonged.

                  Thus, the Hindu dead language appears to be the Russian living language.
            But the most interesting fact is that after 4 013 years (2007) of isolation the Old Rus-
            sian (known as Sanskrit) remains surprisingly close to modern Russian. Seventy per-
            cent  of  the  Sanskrit  words  coincide  with  that  of  modern  Russian  in  sound  and
            meaning. The Northern Russian phonation is especially close to the Sanskrit sound.
            Many phrases of modern Russian sound the same as in the Old Russian (Sanskrit).
            The language frozen in Dravidia for four thousand years appears to be Old Russian!
            Isn’t it interesting?  The Aryans who came with  Khan  Uman  to Dravidia  in 3503
            (Slavonic-Aryan chronology) spoke Russian which means that everyone spoke Rus-
            sian in the Ancient Slavonic-Aryan Empire. We will come back later to this and other
            facts of the past of Ancient India (Dravidia) and now let us continue to analyze how
            races appeared on Midgard-earth.

                  1.21. The reason for the races’ compatibility on Midgard-earth

                  Everything  mentioned  above  makes  any  attempt  to  explain  the  appearance  of
            earthly humanity as a result of the evolution (Darwin’s Theory) of life on earth and,
            even more so, the idea of the appearance of all earthly races out of the black race in
            the process of its settling from Africa, completely unfounded. However, there is one
            irrefutable fact in this theory — all these races are biologically close and compatible.
            There are several explanations for it:

                  1. The bodies of all these races representatives have an albuminous and water
            basis. This enables us to suppose that there are a great number of planets in the Uni-
            verse which have albuminous life based on water. This means that water is widely

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