Page 151 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 151

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            Homo sapiens appeared was this equilibrium quickly broken. Why did it happen? All
            other humanoid species, which occupied the ecological niche before Homo sapiens,
            did not violate the stability of this system. Then, why did it happen with the species
            of modern man? Why any other animal species has worked out the mechanisms of
            optimal adaptation to the ecological system without affecting its stability and only
            modern man violates this equilibrium?

                  It is of interest that this is manifested very clearly in those climatic zones where
            man minimally interferes in nature. Let us take as an example the developing of the
            expanses of the Subequatorial Zone by the representatives of the black race, because
            it  was  not  accompanied  by  considerable  interference  in  the  ecological  system,  but
            happened, mainly, by means of the use of this system. The gradual increase of the
            population on African lands resulted in that the seemingly numberless herds of ani-
            mals of the savanna appeared to be not so numberless, and today are unable to feed
            the population which lives there. People who got food by means of hunting for thou-
            sands of years cannot do it now. The herds of the savanna’s animals can be seen only
            in National Parks where hunting is forbidden. People who are accustomed to living
            by hunting begin to starve and try to get food by setting fire to the savanna in order to
            catch and eat any living creature which escapes from it. But if this kind of practice
            continues, very soon there will be nothing left to set fire to and, accordingly, there
            will be nothing to eat. A very strange situation arises. As soon as modern man “en-
            ters”  into  the  food  chain  of  the  ecological  system,  the  ecological  equilibrium  gets
            broken pretty quickly, which is clearly observed in Africa.

                  Why does this kind of thing happen only when Homo sapiens appears? Let us
            understand this riddle.  For this purpose  I will  give as an example that which hap-
            pened in Australia. Before the Europeans discovered this continent, there was a stable
            ecological system, the uniqueness of which was in that there were almost no predato-
            ry types of animals. The isolation of this continent prevented other species from mi-
            grating there and, because of this a piece of nature’s past was preserved on Midgard-

                  Marsupials which reigned on this continent are a transitional form from reptiles
            to mammals and died out on other continents several million years ago. In fact, this
            was the way Midgard-earth looked at the beginning of the Era of Mammals. This is
            very interesting, but what is more important is the fact that the ecological system ex-
            isted in a state of equilibrium for millions of years which is an evident confirmation
            that it is stable and self-regulating system. All marsupial herbivorous species were in
            a state of ecological equilibrium with the system and it was like this until the mi-
            grants from Europe brought small domesticated herbivorous mammals — rabbits.

                  The absence of natural predators allowed the rabbit, which quickly grew wild, to
            procreate so intensely that it violated the ecological equilibrium which had been pre-
            served for millions of years. The reason for this situation to occur was quite simple:
            the rabbit is a product of adaptation to the ecological system with carnivorous animal
            species — predators for which the rabbit is a link in the food chain. Therefore their
            fecundity “took into account” the losses from “participation” in it. In the ecological
            system where carnivores are absent, the level of the birth-rate was adjusted the “old

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