Page 152 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 152

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            way”. As a result, the density of the rabbit’s population in Australia became so enor-
            mous that it almost led to ecological catastrophe on this continent. And this continued
            until the mechanism of self-regulation of this species snapped into action.          126  All this
            happened because for the Australian ecological system rabbits were aliens from an-
            other world — the world of the future in which the ecological system of this conti-
            nent would have been if it were not isolated from the rest of the planet for several
            million years. It so happened that the ecological system of the present was partly su-
            perimposed on the ecological system of the far away past.

                  Almost the same happened with the tribes of the black race which developed
            Midgard-earth’s Subequatorial Zone. Being, mainly, users of the ecological system of
            the Subequatorial Zone, these tribes very quickly began to destroy herbivorous ani-
            mals, especially when using firearms which the Europeans supplied them. All this has
            catastrophically  affected  the  ecological  system  of  this  continent,  just  as  this  has
            brought the tribes of the black race to the verge of extinction from hunger. The force
            of habit is so strong that even hunger cannot force these tribes to begin to breed home
            animals and to cultivate the land. What does this show us?! At least, two phenomena:

                  First, man’s passive adaptation to the ecological system when he uses only that
            which nature gives, is a dead-end not only for man’s evolutional development, but, in
            the end, for the ecological system.

                  Second, how the ecological system reacted to the natural adaptation of the tribes
            of the black race  on Midgard-earth confirms the fact that  modern man came from
            other Earth-planets.
                  The fact that modern man with his passive adaptation is unable to fit into the

            ecological system indicates that Homo sapiens is not a product of the development of
            life  on  Midgard-earth.  The  analysis  of  the  interaction  between  modern,  passively
            adapted, man and Midgard-earth’s ecological system is another proof of man’s ex-
            traterrestrial origin. Our predecessors, Neanderthals, who occupied the same eco-
            logical niche for six hundred thousand years lived in the same “compartment”, were
            engaged in hunting and gathering, but they did not “succeed” in bringing about an
            ecological  catastrophe.  They  lived  “happily  ever  after”  until  about  forty  thousand
            years  ago  when  modern  man  actively  began  to  “evict”  them  from  their  “compart-
                  Thus, when man is passively adapted to the living conditions of the ecological

            niche, the equilibrium of the ecological system must not be violated. The excessive
            density  of  population  of  any  species  of  living  organisms,  including  modern  man,
            should trigger the mechanisms of self-regulation by means of the birth-rate decreas-
            ing and life-span reduction.  This mechanism is switched on in any living organism
            of Midgard-earth, both vegetable and animal, except for one specie — Homo sapiens.
            Man as species “falls out” of the ecological system of the planet.

                  126  See Nicolai Levashov The Final Appeal to Mankind, Chapter 3.
                  127  Ibid.

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