Page 154 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 154

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            on in these tribes and people when a very high level of birth-rate and density was
            reached, unlike all other species. A similar situation is observed in tribes which in-
            habit modern India. This kind of demographic situation in these and other countries is
            catastrophic for Midgard-earth.

                  It is of interest that nothing of the kind is observed in tribes and people of the
            white race, as well as in the almost destroyed red race. The white race is in maximal
            harmony with the ecological system of Midgard-earth. And this is not accidental. In
            fact,  it  was  the  white  race  which  initially  colonized  Midgard-earth.  It  had  enough
            time to search for a Planet-Earth which would maximally correspond to the ecologi-
            cal systems of the native Earth-planets of the white race migrants.

                  The migration of the yellow, red and black races on Midgard-earth about forty
            thousand  years  ago  was  a  forced  migration  from  their  native  Earth-planets  which
            were exposed to the attack of Dark Forces. In this kind of situation the white race ful-
            filled the operation to rescue people from elimination by Dark Forces, and there was
            neither time nor resources available to search for planets with maximally close eco-
            logical systems for each planet which was attacked by Dark Forces. At the moment
            when this all was going on Midgard-earth was a young colony of the white race
            which was not overpopulated.

                  It is quite possible that this forced immigration  of the  yellow, red  and black
            races had been initially considered as an interim measure. It is possible that it was
            planned for the future that these races would move to Earth-planets with ecological
            systems maximally close to the conditions of their native planets. And it is fully pos-
            sible that something was done in this direction until Midgard-earth was attacked by
            Dark Forces (this time successfully) 13 016 years ago (2007). But what is done can-
            not be undone. The whole civilization of Midgard-earth was brought down to the lev-
            el of primitive savagery.

                  As  I  have  already  mentioned  before,  Dark  Forces  showed  a  keen  interest  in
            Midgard-earth therefore, all Gates between Worlds were disconnected from the ga-
            lactic  network  in  order  to  prevent  the  penetration  of  Dark  Forces  on  other  Earth-
            planets and all rescued races remained on Midgard-earth. 7 515 years ago (2007) the
            tribes of the yellow race in the territory of China passed to the active type of adapta-
            tion to the ecological system, as did some tribes of the black race in modern India 4
            013 years ago (2007). In the end, this resulted in the demographic catastrophe which
            our planet confronts now.

                  Thus, there are two types of adaptation to the ecological system — passive and
            active. Now it is time to determine them. The passive type of man’s adaptation to the
            ecological system is a type when man, mainly, uses what nature gives him by means
            of hunting and gathering. In other words, with the passive type of adaptation, in order
            to eat and to live, man uses what nature gives. It is a consumer type of adaptation in
            respect to nature. It appears more often when man develops (for different reasons,
            certainly) Equatorial, Subequatorial, Sub-Arctic and Arctic Climatic Zones.

                  2.7. Man’s active type of adaptation to the living conditions

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