Page 153 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 153

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  2.6. The level of modern man’s self-regulation and his alien origin

                  Is it possible that for some reason man does not have any self-regulation mecha-
            nism to control the density of population? Not at all. Man does have it also, only it
            snaps into action at a level of density which is far beyond the limits that the ecologi-
            cal system of Midgard-earth can endure, as happened with the rabbit when it tried to
            adapt to the ecological system of Australia. But the rabbit was an external species for
            the Australian ecological system which has been isolated for millions of years from
            the rest of the world. The rabbit was a species which got there from an ecological sys-
            tem of another type because of external factors. And if in the case of the rabbit this
            “external factor” is man who just brought it on ships, who or what then plays the part
            of an external factor in the case of man?

                  When a species uses the passive type of adaptation to the conditions of the eco-
            logical system of the planet, the self-regulation mechanisms of the population of eve-
            ry species are triggered long before the density reaches a dangerous level for the sta-
            bility of the ecological system as a whole. It is typical for almost all types of living
            organisms except for man, however, not in all climatic zones. This indicates that all
            types of animal and vegetable organisms have adapted themselves to each other and
            to the ecological system of Midgard-earth a long time ago – all, except for modern
            man. Is that not a curious fact?

                  Homo sapiens’ mechanism of self-regulation which controls the density of the
            population is adjusted to a level which does not agree with Midgard-earth’s eco-
            logical system. This means that this level corresponds to some other ecological sys-
            tem, and this system is not the same Midgard-earth’s one. This means one only thing
            – modern man, considering the level of his self-regulation mechanism which controls
            the density of the population of the species, is not a product of the development of
            life on Midgard-earth! This, in turn, means that modern man is an alien in relation to
            the living nature of our planet. But this is not all. Four different races appeared on
            Midgard-earth: the white, yellow, red and black. They all came from different plan-
            ets, from many planets. The matter is that not only do the races have different levels
            of self-regulation mechanism, but also different people and tribes within these races
            have different mechanisms. The distinction in the levels of the mechanism in differ-
            ent races, tribes and people indicates that every race, tribe or people came to Mid-
            gard-earth from different planets, having close, but nevertheless different, ecological
            systems. A demographic situation on Midgard-earth serves as strong confirmation of
            this fact. The population explosion in China, India and some other countries has seri-
            ously violated the balance of the ecological system of Midgard-earth and continues to
            break it.

                  The tribes of the yellow race which live in the territory of modern China have
            already violated the equilibrium of the ecological system several times, and their self-
            regulation mechanism has not yet triggered. It shows that a lot of people died because
            of predators and living conditions on the planets from which the yellow race came to
            Midgard-earth; as a result of the adaptation of the yellow race to the ecological sys-
            tems of their native planets, a special self-regulation mechanism which controls the
            density of the population was formed. The suppressive mechanism was not switched

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