Page 164 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 164

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  2.9. The active and passive types of adaptation and their influence

                  on the speed of development of different races

                  We could go on analyzing the rest of the climatic zones of the planet and their
            influence on man’s evolutional development, but it was precisely the living condi-
            tions of the Temperate Zone that influenced man so that he had no option but to
            evolve in order to survive, using the active type of adaptation. Man has developed
            the other Midgard-earth’s climatic zones by using a combination of the passive and
            active type of adaptation. Their correlation is disproportionate, depending on many
            factors and changes in the course of time, but this is irrelevant for the moment; it is
            most important here to see clearly the qualitative difference between the active and
            passive type of adaptation and realize the fact that different races developed differ-
            ent climatic zones with different environmental conditions which forced each race
            to evolve in different ways.

                  In other words, nature imposed the type of adaptation. The result was that the
            various  races  went  along  different  evolutional  paths,  reaching  different  evolu-
            tional levels, developing different properties and qualities of the spirit and body.
            They created different cultures and traditions, and displayed different behaviour
            according to their acquired psyches. There is no other way. It just does not exist.
                  Therefore, when anyone speaks passionately of all people being equal and hav-
            ing identical abilities, etc. we can confidently say that that this person or these people
            are ignorant or lying, and in this case we should pity the ignoramus. However, these
            lies  can  be  quite  conscious  and  deliberate  —  and  then  it  is  very  dangerous  and
            means that this individual or a group of people pursue their own interests and those
            interests differ dramatically from  what they say, which will be demonstrated  later.
            Why they do this will also be clear from the following chapters.

                 Numerous  factors  influenced  the  evolutional  development  of  each  race,  nation,
            people and tribe. If we cannot understand this fact, we will be unable to understand
            past, present and future events. By the way, I would like to say some words about
            words. We often use words without reflecting on their meaning. What a pity! If we
            did, many words would have been filled with meaning which we have never noticed
            and known. Recently the meaning of words which I have heard thousands of times:
            past, present and future, was explained to me. Someone may find this quite strange –
            these are normal words which mean what they mean: What other meaning can there
            be? Since my childhood I have sometimes inquired; why does a word mean exactly
            this and not anything else? As soon as I began to reflect upon this, many words be-
            came, as it were, alien: I did not feel their inner meaning and was unable to “build a
            bridge” of understanding. It was a very strange feeling – it was as if one had stopped
            understanding the word, it sounded like a strange one.

                  So, let us come back to the original meaning of the words. The word  “past”
            (proshloe  in  Russian)  originated  from  the  merging  of  several  words  —  “I  already
            have passed”. When pronouncing this Russian phrase quickly, some letters disappear;
            others merge and form sounds which give the modern pronunciation and spelling of
            this word. Just as happens in the word “present” (nastoyaschee) — “on what I still

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