Page 186 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 186

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            abilities until their carrier reached a level  of evolutional development that allowed
            him to realize his responsibility for every act. This can be achieved at the stage of
            evolutional development when a person acquires six material bodies of his spirit in
            addition to his physical body     132 , whereupon a person finishes the planetary cycle of
            development and enters into the stage of space cycle. The blocking effect of the gen-
            erator was switched off in the vicinity of an outlet.

                  The Light Hierarchs placed the blocking generator in the bowels of the earth as a
            forced  measure  after  the  unreasonable  actions  of  the  leaders  of  Antlan  (Atlantis)
            nearly resulted in the total destruction of Midgard-earth 13 016 years ago when they
            attempted to use elemental forces for their selfish ends. The Light Hierarchs created a
            highly original system of protection, which did not allow a developing person to use
            the abilities of his genetic potential until he reached the understanding of the con-
            sequences of his actions and awareness of his responsibility for them during his
            harmonious  development  under  enlightening  by  knowledge.    This  is  guaranteed
            mostly by the person’s completion of the planetary cycle of evolution. Owing to the
            above-mentioned, the outlets of the Source were kept secret because, close to an out-
            let, a person was free from the influence of the blocking generator:

                  As the Source of Life grants forces to all -
                  To people, to Gods and to different plants.
                  What does it reveal in the spirit of each one,
                  What gifts does it allot to life?…
                  In Gods it reveals the forces concealed,
                  And gives to people according to their thoughts       133 …

                  An interesting detail becomes clear from this fragment of  the Slavonic-Aryan
            Vedas.  The  Source  of  Life  grants  forces  to  both  people  and  Gods.  And  not  only
            this—the Source of Life reveals in Gods concealed forces and gives to people ac-
            cording to their thoughts. From this extract it is clear that in ancient times our ances-
            tors understood the concept of “God” quite differently from what we now ascribe to
            it. Under Gods our ancestors implied Light Hierarchs and people who potentially
            had the possibility of becoming a God. It turns out that some people are “sleeping
            Gods”; that is, they have genetic abilities that correctly developed could allow a per-
            son to reach high levels of evolutional development. Such a person under the influ-
            ence of the blocking generator could not manifest and realize his genetic abilities un-
            til the moment of completion of the planetary cycle of evolution. Most likely volkhvs
            used the outlets of the Source of Life to discover “sleeping Gods” among the people
            in order to help them in their harmonious development.

                  The thing is that not everyone, even being a very good person, is able to com-
            plete all the planetary stages and go on to the level of space development. To put it
            more precisely, there are quite a few people capable of it, but unfortunately, one per-

                  132  See Nicolai Levashov The Final Appeal to Mankind, Chapters 5, 6, 7. Nicolai Levashov Spirit and Mind
            Vol.2, Chapter 9.
                  133  Slavonic-Aryan Vedas, Book Four. The Source of Life. The Second Message, p. 27.

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