Page 190 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 190
Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1
so in the thousands of galaxies of our Space-Universe. Although in these galaxies the
time of passing through the evolutionally positive areas of space heterogeneity is not
called Days of Svarog, they have the same influence on the origin of mind, as in our
The question is in the essence, not in the name. The like of this takes place both
in our Space-Universe and in thousands of others with some peculiarities, however.
When our galaxy passes through the area of heterogeneity of a Day of Svarog, the
evolutional warp is found very rarely. Some genetic defects or incarnations of spirits
that already have a negative evolutional warp, are, mainly, the reason for its appear-
Quite another picture is observed when our galaxy passes through an area of
heterogeneity of a Night of Svarog. The area of space heterogeneity of a Night of
Svarog carries within itself a negative evolutional warp, which has maximal influence
upon “young” spirits and the younger generation when passing through the evolu-
tional jungles of the stage of intelligent animal. A small negative evolutional warp is
observed even during reactivation of the third material body of “old” spirits (an “old”
spirit is a spirit which already has its second, third, fourth and “higher” bodies before
its incarnation) when passing through the stage of intelligent animal. When a spatial
negative evolutional warp of a Night of Svarog superimposes on this relatively small
natural negative evolutional warp, only a strong will-power and high moral princi-
ples, handed down from generation to generation, allow people to overcome this evo-
lutional “barrier”.
Here is something to which I would like to draw your attention — will power
and high moral qualities and principles, handed down from generation to genera-
tion, are that weapon which would allow neutralisation of the influence of the Night
of Svarog. It is a very important moment for understanding the tactic and strategy
of Dark Forces (social parasites) when they take control of a civilization. Their strat-
egy and tactic is rather simple: the physical elimination of those with strong will
power (destruction of leaders and bearers of the “genetics of leaders” — in other
words, the flower of a nation), and the undermining and elimination of moral princi-
ples and traditions fostered by ages and sometimes by millennia. Where there is the
destruction of the flower of a nation and the elimination of morals, Dark Forces inevi-
tably can be found, trampling them down. This is their “handwriting”, which always
points them out, irrespective of the verbal cloak with which they cover it. We’ll
come back to it a bit later, and now let us go back to the phenomenon of the Day and
Night of Svarog.
Different areas of anisotropy of our Space-Universe differ in the amount of ex-
cessive satiation with a primary matter. The greater the excessive satiation, the great-
er the influence it exerts upon the evolutional development of both an individual and
civilization as a whole. Therefore, it is possible to talk about the “luminosity” of
Days of Svarog and the “darkness” of Nights of Svarog. The greater the excess in a
given area of anisotropy of E-primary matter, the “brighter” the Day of Svarog and
all the more favourable the conditions for the origin of consciousness or an evolu-
tional jump. The greater the excess of G-primary matter in a given area of anisotropy,
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