Page 189 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 189

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            the evolutional development. Thus, when a person overcomes the evolutional stage of
            intelligent animal during the Day of Svarog, the positive influence of the space area
            through which our galaxy moves is added to the positive influence of the joint com-
            munal psi-field.

                  This spatial evolutional accelerator of the Day of Svarog creates a very substan-
            tial “make-weight” to the positive evolutional influence of the communal  psi-field.
            The evolutional spatial accelerator of the Day of Svarog renders significant assistance
            to people who have “young” spirits. The concept of a “young” spirit has no connec-
            tion with the age of a person or even with the age of a spirit. Here it is understood to
            mean the qualitative state of the spirit. If a spirit consists of two bodies — the second
            and third material — it is evolutionally young, especially if the third material body is
            at the initial evolutional phase. For those people who have “young” spirits, the exter-
            nal positive evolutional influence of the Day of Svarog is determinative in most cas-
            es. Very  often without the  external support  of the Day  of Svarog a  person with a
            young spirit has no chance to overcome a qualitative barrier and attain the evolutional
            stage of man and sometimes even the stage of reasoning animal. It is of interest that
            precisely  during  Days  of  Svarog  there  were  evolutional  leaps  of  development  on
            planets; one can clearly see it especially at the initial stages of the  development of
            civilizations during their “childhood” period.

                  “Childhood” or more precisely “the nursery” stage of development of any civili-
            zation is the period when it passes through the stage of development of reasoning an-
            imal, when both a person in particular and the civilization in general are ruled by in-
            stincts. Basically, the transition of Homo sapiens from the evolutional phase of ani-
            mal to the evolutional phase of reasoning animal would never have happened without
            the evolutional “push” or “kick” of the Day of Svarog!

                  It  turns  out  that  the  Universe,  during  Days  of  Svarog  “opens”  its  evolutional
            windows  that  allow  developing  matter  to  reach  the  level  of  rationality  (to  be  ra-
            tional—to have Ra within it, to attain enlightenment of mind). More precisely, the
            enlightening of mind takes place in two stages — when reaching the stage of intelli-
            gent animal and achieving the stage of man (for humanoid races). I would like to re-
            mind readers that the Day of Svarog is a period of time when our Galaxy passes
            through an area of spatial heterogeneity with an excessive satiation of E-primary

                  It is really amazing — the Universe itself creates the conditions necessary for
            the appearance of mind; when the development of living matter achieves a certain
            evolutional level, the qualitative state of space during Days of Svarog inevitably re-
            sults in the  origin  of consciousness, which has  the possibility  to  turn from a  little
            “spark” into an ever-burning “flame” of enlightened consciousness.

                  Such a natural phenomenon does not occur in our galaxy exclusively. Each gal-
            axy of our Space-Universe, when it moves, finds itself in the areas of spatial hetero-
            geneity of Days and Nights of Svarog. This means that due to Days of Svarog the rise
            of mind is inevitable at a certain evolutional stage. Moreover, the like of this happens
            not only on hundreds of thousands of planets in our Galaxy with life on them, but al-

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