Page 203 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 203
Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1
sume it, are social parasites? Far from it! Many people who do not directly take part
in the production of provisions for the whole social “organism” take part in it indi-
rectly. Blacksmiths create tools and weapons without which grain-growers, hunters,
fishermen or cattle breeders would be unable to do their work effectively and pro-
Thus, blacksmiths take the most direct part in the production of the food bio-
mass for a social “organism”, producing different working and domestic articles.
Carpenters, using the instruments created by blacksmiths, build homes, household
buildings, etc. for people to live in and store their food. Masons make all this of
stones or bricks; therefore, the essence remains the same. Tailors and shoemakers
make clothes and shoes for everyone, including farmers, cattle breeders, hunters and
fishermen and, thus, also take part in the production of foodstuffs for the whole social
organism. And so on, and so forth. A lot of people, independent of the “size” of a so-
cial “organism” — be it a family, community, nationality or nation — one way or an-
other, participate in the production of food. They all participate actively, through
their labour. Therefore it makes sense to designate the niches which they occupy in a
social “organism” as active basic economic niches.
Thus, the active economic niches comprise all types of human activity which re-
late to products for consumption, and the means of production, for a social organ-
ism, independent of its level of development.
All the others have no direct relation to food production. Does this mean that
they are social parasites? Again, we will not jump to conclusions. A professional
warrior who has studied weapon mastering all his life and shed his sweat, and some-
times blood, protecting the community from external and internal enemies, doing his
duty correctly, often at the cost of his life, is not a parasite. So, maybe a prince or a
king with courts and servants are parasites? In olden times (somewhere around a
thousand years ago) the ruling caste of our ancestors, the Slavs-Aryans — the Ruses
— was formed by natural leaders who were crystallized from the Russian people
and were the transmitters of powerful and healthy genetics within which the best
qualities were absorbed.
These people were natural leaders; that is they occupied their position owing to
their natural gifts and talents. They could create a united and organized detachment,
brigade, horde (previously the Slavs did not have the word “army”, they used the
word “horde”) or army out of a crowd of armed people. It is difficult enough to make
pedestrian or equestrian warriors into a formation; but it is even more difficult to cre-
ate a single whole, one “organism” out of these warriors, where every warrior would
battle not for his own “hide”, but for the children and women who remained behind,
for culture and traditions, for the right to breathe the air (and not only his right), for
the right of his family, tribe, people or nation to exist. And if a warrior dies, he gives
his life for something greater than the life of a man; for the future of his people and
for the future of the children, including his own.
Only a strong leader is able to unite people in the hard times of enemy attacks or
natural calamities. For this purpose a leader must possess a powerful psi-field which
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