Page 207 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 207
Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1
hold buildings, etc.) occupy the active economic niches.
Through this kind of activity man actively co-operates with nature by means of
physical labour. The active economic niches are the foundation for any economic
system and social hierarchy. This is quite obvious. In fact, every person, regardless of
his position in the social hierarchy or his profession has to eat; every day — is good,
two or three times a day — is much better. In addition, a person should have clothing
and shoes, (in order to protect the body from the whims of the weather and keep it
warm in climatic zones with well defined very cold seasons) a roof over his head (es-
pecially important in those zones), etc. Thus, the active economic niches are deter-
minative in the economic system at any level of its development.
Next, the category of social economic niches: again, it is quite obvious that
these human activities are related to the economic niches concerned with the organi-
zation and defence of the whole social system. People who occupy social economic
niches produce nothing with their own hands — they do not plough land, build
homes, sew clothing and make shoes — but this does not mean that their activity is of
a parasitic nature. The question of why this is so and what the social economic niches
are needed for, we examined above. However, for better understanding, we can com-
pare the human community to a complex multi-cellular organism (to a degree, cer-
tainly) in which the central and peripheral nervous systems execute only managerial,
protective and supervisory functions. When reason appears, the cognitive function of
the central nervous system appears too, but this function is of the same nature, only at
a higher level of organization. One way or another, without the central and peripheral
nervous systems, a complex multi-cellular organism cannot exist. Just as any social
organism cannot exist without social economic niches: it will degrade very quickly
to the level of “unicellular” social organism which for man means the loss of rational-
ity and a return to the level of a wild animal. The point is that the origin of reason in
Homo sapiens is possible only when man develops in a community of people and
when his brain absorbs a certain critical volume of information which can be obtained
only by means of the accumulation of the experience of many generations.
At the same time, we cannot speak about the complete identity of a social organ-
ism and a complex multi-cellular living organism. The analogy does not mean the
identity: putting an equal sign between them will result in an erroneous understanding
of the development of human society. This is manifested in the appearance of philo-
sophical theories like the Theory of the Absolute, Hegel’s Absolute idealism, the the-
ory of Logos and the like. Furthermore, the obtrusion of the idea that the social or-
ganism is a complex multi-cellular animal organism (the ideologies of socialism,
communism and state capitalism) is the method social parasites use to deceive and
manipulate people…
But, more of that later; meanwhile, let us return to the concept of the economic
system and continue to analyze the category of social economic niches. People who
occupy them do not produce material products or commodities, but, nevertheless,
they work for the sake of the whole community. In order to understand this more
clearly, let us take as an example one social economic niche — that of a professional
warrior. Our ancestors called the Varangians the elite of the professional warriors. It
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