Page 210 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 210
Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1
master, one must go to where he lived or a master must come to the “buyers”. There
was no problem when the master lived in the next street or a nearby village. It was
quite another matter when the necessary master lived far from his potential custom-
ers. In this case someone had to give up his work and start on his journey — either
customers to master or master to customers.
If it concerned something which was acquired for a lifetime or for a very long
term, there was no huge inconvenience. People always wanted to prove themselves
and to look at the others. For this purpose our ancestors organized trade fairs, but it
happened pretty rarely, mostly in autumn, after the harvest was garnered. However,
man needed certain things during the rest of the time and could not wait till the next
fair. Therefore someone was needed to take care of just this. This person would find
out what and how much was necessary in one place, then search in other places for
the best of what was needed and bring it. This was profitable for all.
Everyone continued to do what they were able to do best of all and somebody
else delivered to them what they needed for work and living. But in this case, a per-
son who was occupied with delivering necessary things for many people must devote
all his time to it. The person who occupied the trade niche needed to organise a lot of
things: he must have a place for the accumulation and storage of sufficient products
of labour, which he put in this place before leaving for another one; carriers to
transport commodities from one place to another, people engaged in loading-
unloading, transporting and protection of the carts with goods, etc. He must also feed
and keep these people and their families. Certainly, all described above did not ap-
pear at once, but a person who occupied the trade economic niche, sooner or later,
had to do all this, otherwise he would not be able to stay in it, not to mention that this
person must be inclined to do this kind of activity and have a managerial talent.
One way or another, to cover all his expenses, a merchant must add an extra
charge to the price of a commodity taken in one place plus a profit of reasonable
size, which allows him to maintain his family, before he can sell or exchange this
commodity in another place. This activity requires a lot of effort and, in principle, is
very useful for people, if a certain transformation of this activity does not occur,
upon which I will touch later and meanwhile we will continue to analyze the econom-
ic system…
Other passive economic niches will be analyzed as soon as one or another niche
acquires more or less significance in the process of development of the social organ-
ism. And now let us pay attention to the last category of economic niches — the par-
asitic ones.
The category of parasitic economic niches is a special category — if we un-
derstand the principle of its forming, we can understand the hidden mechanisms
which moved the development of Midgard-earth’s civilization after the global catas-
trophe 13 016 (2007) years ago. Exactly the understanding of the nature of parasitic
economic niches gives us the key which “opens” a mysterious door to the compre-
hension of what has been going on here on our planet for the last millennia and what
happened with Russia. The secret of Dark Forces which aspired to dominate Mid-
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